Most network marketing businesses have a pretty large up front cost in order to begin. But not Beachbdody! Learn about your start-up options in this video!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Lower Body Move of the Week: Squat to Single Leg Calf Raise
I may have been overly ambitious with this exercise as you can see in the video, even I have some balance issues. But here we go anyhow!
- Begin with your slightly wider than hip width apart.
- Lower your butt down, like you are sitting in a chair, keeping you hips back, spine straight, and knees BEHIND your toes.
- As you raise your body back up, squeeze your legs and butt to get the most out of the exercise.
- Shift your weight to your right leg, lift your left leg off the ground, and raise up on your right toe.
- Place your left leg back down, and repeat the squat, but this time shift your weight to your left leg, and do a calf raise.
- Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
Check out the video for a visual demonstration, as well as a modified version!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Car Accidents and Other Day Ruiners

I left feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and on top of the world. I was going to take the afternoon and attack my to-do list with gusto.
Then I got in a car accident. First of all, I was 100% fine and so was the other driver. It was more than a fender-bender, but nothing too serious. If you're going to get in a car accident, this was best case scenario.
But it was my fault. We had to call the cops, call our insurance companies, and call our husbands (Eek!) ; )
One hour later, I was back on the road, feeling not quite so on top of the world! My to-do list went out the window as I shakily drove home.
Life happens. Things don't always go our way. Plans change.
How do you respond? How do you move forward and adjust your expectations? How do you maintain a semblance of calm when you want to "freak your head out" (as my daughter would say)?
On Friday, a car accident derailed me. As I nervously pulled over, I took some deep breaths (that actually works)! I quickly thanked God for keeping me and the other passenger safe (gratitude is the key ingredient). And as I thought about my big plans for the afternoon that were definitely not happening now...I realized that the world would and could go on without my to-do items being checked off. (Naturally, this was mind-blowing).
The car accident gave me a fresh perspective. It gave me a chance to remember what is important and not to sweat the small stuff. It made me realize that so much of what we think we NEED to get done...does not actually NEED to get done.
Is there enough margin in my life for LIFE? Is there enough white space in my schedule for car accidents and other day ruiners (the key being, they don't actually have to be day RUINERS)?
I hope so. I hope that I have enough freedom and joy and peace to not over-react when things don't go my way. I hope I have enough lightheartedness and free-spiritedness (is that a real word?) to laugh in the face of the unexpected.
I am, in fact, grateful for my car accident. It gave me the opportunity to grow and learn and test my character, as most frustrating, annoying, difficult, and sad things tend to do.
Oh and PS: the other passenger was the NICEST woman I have ever met. She perhaps is the reason for this whole article. She was in no way at fault (despite the huge dent in her vehicle), but the serenity, compassion, and kindness she showed me was an inspiring example of what this blog is about.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Upper Body Move of the Week: Push-Up/Shoulder Taps
This is one of many way Shaun T taught me how to do push-ups. I think Shaun T has more ways of doing push-ups than there are satellite TV channels. Anyways...
- Start in a regular plank stance with your arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart
- Your legs should be hip width apart
- Perform a regular push-up, but as you come up, raise your right arm and tap your left shoulder.
- Repeat, but this time raise your left arm, and tap your right shoulder.
- Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
Check out the video for a visual demonstration and modified version of this exercise!
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
21 Day Fix Diary: Day 21
My best friend asked how the last few days went of our
journey, and my answer was,
“To be honest, I really didn’t think I would even ATTEMPT to
finish the entire 21 days, so I am really proud of myself.”
That’s the truth. I
did not start this program with the intention of finishing. I figured I would get through one week, so at
least I could learn the container system, and have some kind of experience to
share with my current and future customers.
After week 1, I knew I could finish. The nutrition program was DO-able.
Were there days I was hungrier than others? Sure.
Were there days I was frustrated by the fact that I need to make a salad
when I really just wanted to grab a handful of pretzels? Definitely.
Were there moments when I caved to my temptations? Yes.
As I have noted several times, I had scheduled cheat meals,
and less often than I thought, UNscheduled cheat meals. But even so, I never dreaded picking back up
and returning to my green, purple, red, yellow, blue, and orange
containers. I wasn’t afraid of the next
day, knowing I was only going to get two servings of my beloved
carbohydrates. I was determined and dare
I say, EXCITED, to get back on track.
On day 1 I was completely overwhelmed. In week 2, I recognized some mistakes I had
been making and adjusted. And in week 3,
I cruised. Week 3 was the easiest week
of all if you could imagine. Your body
begins to adjust to your new healthy nutrition habits, and your mind does too.
All in all, I lost 4 pounds, but I feel strong and healthy
and in nearly PEAK physical condition. I
feel perfectly comfortable in any outfit I want to wear including swimsuits and
that one pair of pants we have that always squeeze just a little tight!
Matt, my husband, also had scheduled and unscheduled cheat
meals, he did NOT workout at all, and he lost 9 pounds!
The potential of this program is truly amazing. We had great results, and we in no way gave
this our 100% effort. What could someone
accomplish if they went all in for 21 days?
No cheats and full-effort workouts for three weeks…how could a body
I am so grateful, relieved, and excited that I FINALLY
decided to do this program. I can now
share tips and recipes and trials and victories with my clients. I can now fully stand behind and support this
program the way it deserves to be supported.
I finish these 21 days invigorated, strong, and eagerly anticipating the
lives this program WILL change.
If you are interested in trying out this program or other programs Beachbody has to offer, fill out this questionnaire, so I can get to know you better and get you started!
Friday, April 17, 2015
Core Move of the Week: Plank Walks
When you first do these you might think to yourself, "Well this isn't that hard." Well keep going because it GETS hard! Many of the Beachbody celebrity trainers including Tony Horton, Shaun T, and Autumn Calabrese utilize this move in their workouts, so it must be GOOD! : )
- Start in a plank position, shoulders over your hands and neutral spine
- Moving your right arm and right leg, take two "steps" to the right
- Moving your left arm and left leg, take two "steps" back to the left
- Repeat
- Your core should not be sagging, your butt should not be lifted higher than your shoulders
- Your core should remain as still as possible while you take your "steps"
Try to do these for one minute!
Lower Body Move of the Week: Side Plank Leg Raises
This lower body exercise is NO JOKE. This move is from Dirty Thirty of Autumn Calabrese's 21 Day Fix, and it is brutal! Although I label it a lower body exercise, it is truly a full body workout.
- Start in a side plank position, with your right arm directly underneath your shoulder and your feet stacked (left foot on top of your right foot)
- Keeping your left toe pointed forward, raise your left leg and then lower it
- Your hips should not sink down at any point
- Repeat for 8-10 repetitions
- Switch sides
3 sets of 8-10 repetitions on each side should do fine!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Beachbody Coaching: Do I Have to Be Active On Social Media?
I know, I one wants to be that annoying person on social media. I totally get it. As a matter of fact, this is one of the main reasons, I turned Beachbody down for years! you have to be active on social media? Watch the video to find out! you have to be active on social media? Watch the video to find out!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Upper Body Move of the Week: Tricep Push-Ups
This is a classic upper body exercise, but to be honest, I hadn't done them very often. In all of my sports and training, I tended to do more classic push-ups. It wasn't until Tony Horton's P90X3 that tricep push-ups became an exercise I did frequently and eventually got better at!
- Start in the plank position with your arms just shoulder-width apart
- Your back should be flat
- Lower your whole body down, keeping your elbows near your rib cage
- Your head should be in a neutral position
- Your elbows should not come OUT
- Extending your arms, raise yourself back up to the plank position
- Repeat
Start with 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions and build from there!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Core Move of the Week: Scissor Twists
This week's move comes from Autumn Calabrese's 21 Day Fix. I have performed similar exercises in the past, but none exactly like this! Enough of these combined with good nutrition will get you swimsuit ready in no time!
- Lay on the floor with your hands behind your head for support (do not pull your neck).
- Raise your right leg in the air, keeping your left foot just inches above the ground.
- With your arms behind your head, crunch up, reaching your left elbow to the OUTSIDE of your right knee.
- Alternate sides.
- 3 sets of 20 repetitions on each side
Check out the video for the demonstration and modification!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
21 Day Fix Diary: Day 15
I am going to shoot you straight. Week 2 was tough for me. I had too many "scheduled" cheat meals, and too many unscheduled little cheats. On Easter Sunday, especially, I lost control. I overindulged in the Peanut Butter M&Ms just staring at me out of the little glass bowl. I ate too much ham and hash brown casserole. And then of course I HAD to have a good sized serving of my home-made strawberry shortcake, right?!
The point is, in week 1, I was very comfortable with my scheduled cheat meals, and proud of myself for sticking to them and not over-doing it. But I went too far this week. And you know what the kicker is? I like ham, but I don't love it. The food served at our Easter Sunday dinner was good, but not cheat-worthy.
Sunday night, Matt and I have came to the conclusion that there are certain foods that are absolutely worth every calorie ingested. Cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza, a GREAT Cuban sandwich (we ARE from Tampa), a dynamite Italian dish, hot chocolate chip cookies, Bananas Foster Butter cake (yeah, that exists), and a few other meals will be our go-to cheat meals. These are the foods we most enjoy, crave, and bring us more happiness than they should.
Beyond that, it's not even worth it. Beyond that, as disciplined individuals, we SHOULD be able to stick to reasonable portion sizes and not over-do it. THAT is why I was disappointed in myself. Don't waste a scheduled cheat meal on foods that aren't your FAVORITES!
Okay, I am off my soapbox now : )
In other news, I did make some breakthroughs this week. In week 1, I had this fear of being hungry and not having enough containers left for the end of the day, so I wouldn't eat ENOUGH at the beginning of the day, leaving me hungry and grouchy.
Finally, I decided to eat my meals and spread out my containers more effectively. I enjoy a yellow container (carb) at lunch. Instead of using a fruit in my shakeology, I blend my shakeology with just milk, leaving me an extra fruit for my afternoon snack. I also do two dinners! I eat at around 4PM and 7PM, which staves off the late-afternoon and late-night hunger pangs I was feeling before.
With this new plan for my meals and my new perspective on cheat meals WORTH having, I am excited for week 3 and can approach it with confidence and hope instead of dread.
I continue to be amazed by the 21 Day Fix, its practicality and effectiveness!
Lower Body Move of the Week: Single Leg Hamstring Raises (Dara LaPorta)
This week's lower body move is another one of my favorites! I learned this exercise at the University of Florida where I was an All-American pole-vaulter and taught by some of the best strength and conditioning coaches in the country.
The single-leg hamstring raise will isolate the muscles of your hamstring, butt, and lower back. You will FEEL these!
The single-leg hamstring raise will isolate the muscles of your hamstring, butt, and lower back. You will FEEL these!
- Start with both legs propped up on an ottoman, coffee table, chair, etc
- Scoot your butt in, so that your knees are at a 90 degree angle.
- Raise your right leg, keeping your knees together.
- Shifting your weight to your left leg, squeezing your butt and keeping your core tight, slowly raise your hips in the air.
- Slowly, lower back down the the ground.
- Repeat.
- 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions on each leg
Check out the video which includes a modification!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Just Another Day In Paradise
Recently, Phil Vassar's song, "Just Another Day In Paradise" came on the radio. I hadn't heard this song in a very long time, and I am quite positive that the last time I DID hear this song, I certainly couldn't relate the way I did now. A few lines from the song are as follows...
"The kids screaming, phone ringing"
"Got a half hour, quick shower"
"Friday, you're late, guess we'll never make our dinner date"
"Make a little love that's overdue"
Can anyone else relate?! Life with three children three years old and under is chaos. It is exhausting and frustrating and I feel trapped and under valued. My house is always a mess and I am constantly playing catch-up. I can't possibly make everyone happy or meet my children's demands. My social life feels halted and my "ME TIME" is dwindling.
Then the song goes on...
"Well, it's ok. It's so nice
It's just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise"
Can anyone else relate?! I am living the dream. I am living in paradise. Amidst the chaos, there is laughter and delighted squeals. I am exhausted, but infinitely happy. I am trapped, but who better to be trapped with than three beautiful children and the love of my life? My living room looks like Chuck E Cheese, but we are together. I can't possibly make everyone happy, but I can make them feel loved. And my social life? Matt and I have committed to one date night a week and what a treat to have something to look forward to!
Isn't it all about perspective? I am not always successful, but I TRY to slow down. I TRY to stop and soak it all in. I TRY not to get overwhelmed by the dishes piling up, overflowing laundry, and the black bottoms of my children's feet! : )
Blessed is an understatement. These tough, busy, exhausting, and UNDER-VALUED toddler years are PARADISE and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Beachbody Coaching: But What If I'm Not at My Goal Body?
Beachbody coaches come in every shape and size. They are not all perfect size 2s, they do not all eat clean all the time. They are not all cardio-crazed or fitness fanatics. They are relatable. They share their journey, their struggles, and their victories with others. That is what makes them successful.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Upper Body Move of the Week: Tricep Switchkicks
I first did the exercise with Shaun T in Insanity Max 30, and I couldn't BELIEVE how my fatigued my triceps were by the end. As usual, with my upper body exercises, there are other aspects to this. Cardio and core will make a play in this move, as well! But a little cardio never hurt, right?! : )
- Begin in a bridge position with your hands facing your heels.
- Shift your weight to your right foot, while simultaneously kicking your left foot in the air.
- Alternate sides.
- Keep your arm straight and your core tight!
- 3 sets of 20 on each leg should do the trick!
Check out the video for a visual demonstration and a modified version!
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Core Move of the Week: Windshield Wipers
This exercise is sure to help deal with those pesky love-handles! Windshield Wipers are an exercise I learned at the University of Florida where I was an All-American pole-vaulter. They target your obliques big time!
- Laying flat on the floor, with arms in a "T" position at your sides, raise your legs straight in the air.
- Slowly, keeping your shoulders on the ground and your legs together, lower your legs to the fingertips of your right hand.
- Slowly bring them back up to center.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
3 sets of 6-8 repetitions should have your obliques on FIRE! :0
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Coaching Concerns: Do I Have to Be a Fitness Expert?
Most people do not think they are qualified to be Beachbody coaches because they are not experts or personal trainers or don't know much about nutrition. Watch the video to find out why that doesn't matter!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
A Year of Shakeology
I have been drinking Shakeology for
almost a year now and have made a shake nearly every single day. This sounds so cliché, but I literally don’t
know what I ate before Shakeology. I
have come to depend on it so entirely for one of my main meals, that some days
I am at a complete loss as to what I would eat for that particular meal if I
didn’t have Shakeology. I know for
certain, it would probably be a whole lot less nutritious. If I had to guess, it would be another peanut
butter and jelly sandwich or bowl of cheerios.
Everyone wants to know what is IN
Shakeology, but I prefer to talk first about what is NOT in Shakeology.
- · No artificial sweeteners
- · No artificial colors
- · No soy
- · No artificial stimulants
- · No artificial flavors
Okay, so what IS in Shakeology?
- · 70 superfoods including wheat grass, chia seed, goji berries, and maca root
- · Stevia: a whole, plant based, natural sweetener
- · Most of Shakeology’s ingredients are imported from their countries of origin.
So all of these facts and figures may
not mean much to you, and I don’t blame you.
But what I haven’t told you is what Shakeology has done for me,
personally, and why I love it so much.
So why do I love Shakeology?
It is a NOT just a protein shake, but a TRUE dense,
nutritious meal replacement shake.
It is not a "lose weight quick" gimmick.
You WILL lose weight if you replace a meal with it, but there
is nothing in it that will make you lose weight.
One shake is like eating five plates of salad! It has the equivalent of approximately 9-11
vegetable servings in each shake,
I am a busy mom, and most of my nutrition comes from half-eaten
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and stale goldfish. I LOVE
drinking my Shakeology knowing that whatever else I ate that day, I had an
easy and healthy choice in my shake.
It has definitely curbed my post-dinner sweet tooth.
It keeps me full for AT LEAST three hours.
The chocolate, strawberry, and greenberry flavors are
DELICIOUS! The only flavor I do not like at all is
Shakeology has also been known to aid digestive issues and
improve immune systems. I will drink Shakeology until I'm 80 because that
is how long I will need a consistent source of whole food vitamins and
superfoods. I don't claim it as a
miracle drink and neither does Beachbody. That's WHY I love it.
Shakeology is just a ridiculously healthy, dense, and very
convenient meal replacement option.
I am the first to admit that there are other shakes and
smoothies out there that are less expensive than Shakeology. But make sure you aren’t comparing apples to
oranges. People are too quick to only
look at the carbs, proteins, and fats, without paying attention to the actual ingredients they are about to
consume. Most healthy meals will range
from $3-$7, and Shakeology comes to about $4.30 per shake. Shakeology is actually not expensive at all
depending on how you use it, and how much you value the quality of the shake
you are ingesting.
21 Day Fix Diary: Day 8 (Video)
I made it through one week of the 21 Day Fix and I am super proud of myself, and really buying in to Autumn Calabrese and this whole program! Check out the video for my full review, thoughts, struggles, and victories of the past week!
21 Day Fix Diary: Day 8
I made it through ONE WEEK of the 21 Day Fix! I know I am a Beachbody coach, and I know I am supposed to be super disciplined, blah, blah blah. But I do NOT like restricting myself when it comes to eating. I am the type of person who would prefer to work out really hard and then eat whatever I want.
Unfortunately, that rarely produces the kind of results you need. Physically, it may work for a short time, but eventually bad nutrition will catch up with you. As they say, you can't out work a bad diet. And besides your physical appearance, it's just not HEALTHY to indulge in whatever you want whenever you want.
And isn't that what it's all about? A well rounded, healthy, balanced lifestyle? That should always be the goal...though the perks of a six-pack come swimsuit season don't hurt either!
I made it through week one with only 1 cheat meal and very few "little cheats" along the way. In some ways, I can't believe it! The week went by pretty quickly. For me, I noticed that up until about 2 or 3 o'clock, I felt really good. As a matter of fact, my nutrition plan is very similar to how I used to eat BEFORE I started the 21 Day Fix.
But come late afternoon, after a long day with the kids, I am ready to eat. I want to eat my handfuls of pretzels as a late afternoon snack, I want a double portion at dinner, and I want my late night sweet snack.
Those have been my biggest struggles. I have had to be diligent about spacing out each meal, so that I have enough left over for the end of the day. And it's really worked!
Okay, so I'm not going to lie, there are times when I have been legitimately hungry. Not bored, not thirsty, not emotional, JUST hungry. In those cases, I have snuck myself an extra fruit (purple).
I lost 3.5 pounds, seemingly plateauing at 115 pounds. I don't have any reason to want to dip lower than that, so starting this week I am going to bump myself up to the next calorie bracket which will allow me one more veggie (green), fruit (purple), carb (yellow), and 2 more tsp (oil, nut butters).
This week will also be a tough week in terms of scheduled cheating. I have a Bible study potluck tonight, date night on Friday night, and Easter dinner on Sunday! My plan as of now, is to do my absolute best those days with my first few meals, and then let myself indulge, but REASONABLY. I can't make any promises though! It will certainly be interesting to see where I am at at the end of week two.
I am LOVING the workouts. This workout plan is quickly becoming one of my favorites. It is challenging, but not miserable. I finally caved and bought two sets of dumbbells (5lbs and 10lbs), and I am really enjoying using weights again as part of my workouts. I know my body will respond well, and I am excited to see and feel the difference!
In some ways, two weeks feels like a long time to keep this up, but with my scheduled cheats and upping my calories bracket, I KNOW I can do it. Overall, this plan is very do-able. Some days it feels really hard, but some days it feels really easy.
Below are some pictures of meals and my food log!
Unfortunately, that rarely produces the kind of results you need. Physically, it may work for a short time, but eventually bad nutrition will catch up with you. As they say, you can't out work a bad diet. And besides your physical appearance, it's just not HEALTHY to indulge in whatever you want whenever you want.
And isn't that what it's all about? A well rounded, healthy, balanced lifestyle? That should always be the goal...though the perks of a six-pack come swimsuit season don't hurt either!
I made it through week one with only 1 cheat meal and very few "little cheats" along the way. In some ways, I can't believe it! The week went by pretty quickly. For me, I noticed that up until about 2 or 3 o'clock, I felt really good. As a matter of fact, my nutrition plan is very similar to how I used to eat BEFORE I started the 21 Day Fix.
But come late afternoon, after a long day with the kids, I am ready to eat. I want to eat my handfuls of pretzels as a late afternoon snack, I want a double portion at dinner, and I want my late night sweet snack.
Those have been my biggest struggles. I have had to be diligent about spacing out each meal, so that I have enough left over for the end of the day. And it's really worked!
Okay, so I'm not going to lie, there are times when I have been legitimately hungry. Not bored, not thirsty, not emotional, JUST hungry. In those cases, I have snuck myself an extra fruit (purple).
I lost 3.5 pounds, seemingly plateauing at 115 pounds. I don't have any reason to want to dip lower than that, so starting this week I am going to bump myself up to the next calorie bracket which will allow me one more veggie (green), fruit (purple), carb (yellow), and 2 more tsp (oil, nut butters).
This week will also be a tough week in terms of scheduled cheating. I have a Bible study potluck tonight, date night on Friday night, and Easter dinner on Sunday! My plan as of now, is to do my absolute best those days with my first few meals, and then let myself indulge, but REASONABLY. I can't make any promises though! It will certainly be interesting to see where I am at at the end of week two.
I am LOVING the workouts. This workout plan is quickly becoming one of my favorites. It is challenging, but not miserable. I finally caved and bought two sets of dumbbells (5lbs and 10lbs), and I am really enjoying using weights again as part of my workouts. I know my body will respond well, and I am excited to see and feel the difference!
In some ways, two weeks feels like a long time to keep this up, but with my scheduled cheats and upping my calories bracket, I KNOW I can do it. Overall, this plan is very do-able. Some days it feels really hard, but some days it feels really easy.
Below are some pictures of meals and my food log!
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Buffalo Chicken Pita Whole Wheat Pita (1 Yellow) Chicken (1 Red) Hot Sauce (Free) Shredded Cheddar (1 Blue) |
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Spinach (1 Green) Cucumbers and Tomatoes (1 Green) Chicken (1 Red) Creamy Herb Dressing (1/2 Orange) Balsamic Vinegar (Free) |
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Packed lunch and snack for the day! |
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