In the past year, he has taken his time, explored some different opportunities, invested in friendships, networked around town, and most importantly and for what I am most grateful for...he committed to his family.
He allowed his schedule to be flexible, so that he could spend a LOT of time with me and the children. He was more than willing to stay home with the kids a few days every week, so that I could not just work at my Beachbody business, but have some fun time for me, as well. Needless to say, it has been wonderful, and I know I've been spoiled.
Just yesterday, he started his new career in residential lending and I couldn't be happier for him. And I know the structure and routine will benefit our family in many ways, but I also know, it will not be an easy adjustment for me or the kids.
All this to say, in expectancy of Matt not being able to help as much, I did something this week, I haven't done in months! I have two words for you...
Now some of you probably think that I always meal prep because I eat so healthy blah, blah, blah! The truth is I don't and I TRY to. Meal planning and prepping has always intimidated and overwhelmed me. Lucky for me, I've never been forced to do it (unless we were on a specific diet). This past year, especially, I have relied on Matt to help me feed the kids and ourselves. It hasn't all been on me in quite a while.
But on Sunday I sat down, did my research, found my recipes, went to the store and started cooking! In the last two days, I have made egg muffins, turkey meatballs, I have steak marinating in the refrigerator, and I whipped up a batch of Shakeology balls.
I was looking for relatively healthy meals and snacks that I could freeze and pull out when I just needed a quick meal for the kids or myself. I am really happy about my progress and I hope this motivation sticks.
I have to laugh though (and Matt did too) how at the very last minute, I am suddenly inspired and excited to get organized, plan, and think ahead! Why does it take so long? Why is it that we choose the day before guests come in to town to clean out that closet?
For me, I think my brain went in to fight or flight. With Matt going back to work, I had two away or get brave and fight back!