Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Organized Under Pressure

For just over a year, I have been incredibly blessed to have my husband around.  On May 12, of last year, he came home from playing baseball in Mexico, and made the unbearably difficult decision to retire. 

In the past year, he has taken his time, explored some different opportunities, invested in friendships, networked around town, and most importantly and for what I am most grateful for...he committed to his family. 

He allowed his schedule to be flexible, so that he could spend a LOT of time with me and the children.  He was more than willing to stay home with the kids a few days every week, so that I could not just work at my Beachbody business, but have some fun time for me, as well.  Needless to say, it has been wonderful, and I know I've been spoiled.

Just yesterday, he started his new career in residential lending and I couldn't be happier for him.  And I know the structure and routine will benefit our family in many ways, but I also know, it will not be an easy adjustment for me or the kids.  

All this to say, in expectancy of Matt not being able to help as much, I did something this week, I haven't done in months!  I have two words for you...


Now some of you probably think that I always meal prep because I eat so healthy blah, blah, blah!  The truth is I don't and I TRY to.  Meal planning and prepping has always intimidated and overwhelmed me.  Lucky for me, I've never been forced to do it (unless we were on a specific diet).  This past year, especially, I have relied on Matt to help me feed the kids and ourselves.  It hasn't all been on me in quite a while.  

But on Sunday I sat down, did my research, found my recipes, went to the store and started cooking!  In the last two days, I have made egg muffins, turkey meatballs, I have steak marinating in the refrigerator, and I whipped up a batch of Shakeology balls.  

I was looking for relatively healthy meals and snacks that I could freeze and pull out when I just needed a quick meal for the kids or myself.  I am really happy about my progress and I hope this  motivation sticks.  

I have to laugh though (and Matt did too) how at the very last minute, I am suddenly inspired  and excited to get organized, plan, and think ahead!  Why does it take so long?  Why is it that we choose the day before guests come in to town to clean out that closet?  

For me, I think my brain went in to fight or flight.  With Matt going back to work, I had two options...run away or get brave and fight back!  

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Beachbody Income Update

I was so afraid of what people would think of me. 
I was so worried about protecting my reputation. 
I was so scared that people would look at me and roll their eyes while muttering to themselves…

“We don’t care about your silly workouts!” 

I was terrified of falling on my face and confirming what I already believed…that this just wasn’t going to work for me and I was going fail miserably. 

Despite all of these reasons NOT to become a Beachbody coach, there was this tiny glimmer of hope inside of me that thought…

“But what if?  Why not me?”

And so I became a coach with zero expectations and a whole lot of doubt and fear. 

I started out slow and steady.  I practiced a few behaviors consistently.  I tiptoed out of my comfort zone. 

I started to believe.  I started to dream.  That tiny glimmer of hope grew.

My income, like me, started out slow and steady…until it didn’t anymore.  It has now grown quickly and significantly.*

I’m as shocked as you.  It happened.  It worked.  I am working part time hours; whenever I want; from home.  I didn’t fail. 

I am contributing significantly to our income simply by putting myself out there on social media and doing my best to help others reach their health and fitness goals. 

It has been worth every risk, every step out of my comfort zone, every discomfort, and yes, even every eye roll! 

I am humbled and grateful by these numbers, yet also know they will continue to grow if I stay consistent, stay intentional, and never lose sight of what this is really all about…helping others get healthy and feel confident. 

So…as I promised, here is how my income has grown.**

If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please fill out this application, so I can get in touch with you! 

*On months 13 and 16, the income statements shown do not quite add up because Matt's coach account is also making money now, so his income makes up the difference between the income statements and the amount I have displayed!  

**Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Beachbody Coach Business Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.**

Friday, May 15, 2015

Core Move of the Week: Plank Up/Downs (Dara LaPorta)

This exercise is more difficult than it seems!  This is a great workout for your core, shoulders, and upper body!  

  • Start in upper plank
  • Leading with right arm, lower to your forearms
  • Leading with your right arm, raise back up to an upper plank
  • Repeat for 10 repetitions leading with your right arm
  • Swtich lead arms, and do another 10 repetitions

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Lower Body Move of the Week: Warrior III

I thought I would mix things up with some dynamic Yoga!  

  • Start standing up, with your feet together
  • Hinge forward from the waist, keeping your hands at your side, while lifting your left leg behind you
  • Keep your support leg slightly bent, and your left leg straight with your foot flexed and your toes pointed down.
  • Hold the pose for five seconds, and then lower back down.
  • Repeat two more times
  • Switch legs and do another three sets for five seconds each. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Upper Body Move of the Week: Chest Fly Raises

This exercises may emphasize your chest, but you will feel it almost everywhere!  I learned this move from the 21 Day Fix's Dirty Thirty workout and I fell in love with the dynamic movement!

  • Begin laying on your back, arms stretched out holding a light pair of dumbbells
  • Simultaneously raise your legs to perpendicular, while bringing your arms, slightly bent together above your chest.
  • Lower your legs to a few inches off the floor while lowering your arms back down.
  • Repeat! 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Core Move of the Week: Side Bends

Your obliques will thank you for this exercise!  Enjoy!  

  • Get in to a side plank position.
  • Raise your arm over your head.
  • As you bring your arm down, lower your torso down.
  • As you lower your torso, make sure you are keeping your shoulder strong, and not sinking in to it.
  • Raising your arm back up, lift your torso up.  
  • Repeat.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Dream Job Application

Becoming a mom to my three children is by far the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me.  It’s also the most overwhelming thing that has ever happened to me.  Two months after my twin boys were born and Sienna was not even 2 ½, I was overwhelmed, buried, and drowning. 

I knew I needed to do something for ME.  Even writing this, it sounds selfish, but I couldn’t be the mom or wife I needed to be without making some changes.  I wanted to feel like I had skills beyond changing diapers and producing milk.  Honestly, in that time of my life, I couldn’t remember what ELSE I was even good at.  What were my gifts and talents?  I was desperate to change.  I was desperate to try something…anything!

For FOUR years, I had heard about Beachbody and for FOUR years, I had tried to avoid it, ignore, it and push it to the back of my mind.  But somehow, the idea of being a Beachbody coach sneakily crept back in to my thoughts and my heart.  Finally, I decided I had nothing to lose. 

So what if it didn’t pan out?  So what if I never made a huge income?  At the very LEAST, I was saving money on quality products, investing in MY health, and hopefully helping even a few people along the way.  I truly had nothing to lose. 

Not even a year and a half later, I am making a full time income, working part time hours, from HOME with my babies in my arms.  I am helping others not ONLY reach their health and fitness goals, but I am leading a team of people who are earning freedom for their lives, as well. 

I have found my dream job. 
Have you found yours?

I am looking for 20 women to take on this journey with me.  I am looking for 20 women who have been hoping, wishing and praying for an opportunity just like THIS.  I am looking for 20 women to partner with, so you TOO can have your dream job.  

Our partnership will begin on May 11th.  Click on the link to apply!


Beachbody Coaching: Do I Have to Be Good At Sales?

I thought I was going to be horrible as a Beachbody coach because I have never had a sales job and never WANTED to have a sales job.  And then I realized, Beachbody coaching is not about SELLING...

Watch the video to find out what it is about!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lower Body Move of the Week: Bowler Lunges

I LOVE THESE!  In all of my working out days, I had never done this type of lunge until I did Chalene Johnson's PiYo.  And they will BURN that booty!  Check them out. 

  • Star in an athletic stance (feet about hip-width apart)
  • Bring your left leg behind your right leg (as if you were curtseying the Queen of England)
  • Bend both legs and lower your body down
  • As always, your right knee should NOT move in front of your right foot. 
  • Both knees should be at 90 degree angles and if you are doing it correctly, you should feel the burn in the right side of your butt. 
  • Using your right leg muscles, raise your body back up to the starting position.
  • Repeat
  • Switch legs. 
It may take you a few repetitions to find the proper placement of your legs to make this exercise work for you!  But figure it out because it's worth it! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tips For Eating Clean While Eating Out

1. {Believe it’s Possible}

Don’t assume that just because you’re leaving home you’ll have to relax your nutrition plan. The answer is planning and always being mindful of what you’re eating.

2. {Research your Restaurant}

Instead of waiting until you sit down and hoping there will be something appealing on the menu, go online and scan the menu ahead of time. Avoid the usual suspects - deep fried, creamy, etc. At the restaurant, don’t be afraid to ask your server questions like how a particular dish is prepared, what toppings come on it, or if you can substitute certain unhealthy sides for steamed vegetables, a side salad with olive oil and vinegar or a plain sweet potato. You should also be aware that restaurants always use way too much salt to enhance the flavor of their dishes, so ask your server to limit the salt or hold the salt…that way you control the amount of salt used.

3. {Order Water}

This is a simple one get rid of the empty calories found in sodas, beers, and sweetened beverages. Free refills and sitting around a table chatting with friends for nearly an hour is an easy way to consume ridiculous levels of sugar (or even worse, chemically altered products that are turned into sugar). If you need some flavor in your water, squeeze a lime or lemon into it. As an added bonus, you will save $2.00 for every meal you dine out…and you will be surprised at how quickly that adds up!

4. {Create your own Entrée}

Despite how it appears at most restaurants, you’re not limited to how things are organized and offered on the menu. For instance, you can order the fish but tell them to replace the butter sauce with the mango salsa that’s on the nachos. And if broccoli accompanies the prime rib, you can order some of it even though it’s not listed as a separate side dish. The point is, if the ingredients are already in the kitchen, the chef should be willing to combine them in more healthful ways. Likewise, don’t be shy about ordering an entrée portion of an appetizer or even a side that better fits your dietary needs.

5. {Win them to Your Cause}

If the waiter scoffs, tell him you’re training for a fitness competition or participating in a fitness challenge.  This will win you the support and respect of your server.  He/she will become more compassionate and willing to help you!

6. {Don’t be Afraid to be “That Guy”... or “Girl”}

There will be times when you are with a new crowd, and you may feel like it would just be easier to not look picky and order a standard dish without “cleaning it up”.  But you have to press on and do what is best for you and your health!  Again, sharing your goals will win you their support and respect!

7. {Ask For a Box}

For those needing to practice portion control and limiting calories, ask for a box as soon as you get your food and immediately put half of your meal in to the box, close it, and put it in a place you will not have the urge to go in for seconds.  Not only does this save on calories, but also it spreads your meal cost over two meals.

8. {Enjoy Your Meal and Revel in Your Success}

It’s important to remember that the satisfaction you get from eating tasty, but unhealthy foods is fleeting, but the satisfaction you will receive from building the body that you’ve always dreamed of is much more enduring.  You will have more energy and more self-confidence.  The more often you “practice” eating clean while eating out, the more habitual it will become, and the better you will be at it!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Upper Body Move of the Week: Dips

This is another oldie, but goodie!  Use your ottoman, couch, coffee table, or a chair, to do this excellent upper body exercise!  

  • With your back to the chair, place your hands shoulder-width apart, facing forward. 
  • Scoot your butt out until you are at a comfortable distance away.
  • Bend your arms until your elbows are at 90 degrees, and lower your body down. 
  • Using only your upper body, lift your body back up, extending your elbows.
  • Repeat.  
You can do dips with your legs straight out in front of you, knees bent, raising your knees, and many other ways!  Experiment, and figure out which position works best for you!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

10 Tips For a Healthy Weekend

The weekend can pose a HUGE challenge to our health and fitness goals.  Often all of my discipline, hard work, and nutrition goals fly right out the window.

But weekends don't have to be this way. In fact, weekends are a great time to practice healthy behaviors because you usually have more time to do so.

So, how do you change your unhealthy weekend habits? A good start would be to begin incorporating these healthy weekend tips so you can stay on track!

1. Squeeze in a longer workout.
--Use the weekend to go for a longer run at a beautiful park nearby. Or go to the gym to try a new class. Use the weekend as a time to change up your normal workout routine and do something you normally wouldn’t have the time for! 

2. Eat like it's a weekday.
--It can be easy to skip meals on the weekend and then make up for it later by overindulging at dinner. So make a point to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and pack snacks for when you're on the go. Be sure to follow a schedule just like you would during the week. Your body will thank you! (It’s okay to treat yourself a little – just don’t over do it!)

3. Stick to your usual sleep schedule (as close as possible).
--Changing your sleep patterns could throw off your schedule (hard to eat breakfast when you get up at noon!), and could also interfere with weight loss. Changing your sleep schedule can also make it harder to fall asleep on Sunday night, which could set you up for a tired Monday.

4. Fuel yourself for weekday success.
--Did you push yourself too hard in your workouts or limit your nutrition too much during the week? If so, come Friday, your body may be hungry and tired, which can lead to overeating and under-exercising on the weekend. Remember to practice moderation every day, eating and exercising in a way that you can sustain for the long haulnot just a few days or weeks.

5. Limit your drinks.
--Calories in beverages can add up quickly if you're not careful. Go easy on the drinks, or try healthier drink swaps if you just can't avoid that fancy coffee or sweet tea on Saturday! Just because you were "good" during the week doesn't mean that it's OK to make up for that over the weekend.

6. Plan to relax.
--Most of us are busy during the week and even our weekends seem to become non-stop errands,
chores, work and travel. Schedule some downtime for at least an hour or two. Whether it's practicing your favorite hobby, seeing a movie with friends or reading a book, do something every weekend that recharges you. You'll not only feel better, but also beat stress.

7. Break the on-again, off-again diet mentality.
--If you have a history in yo-yo dieting, make sure that you're not alternating between being "good" and "bad" throughout the course of a week. Getting to a fit and healthy weight is about sustainable healthy lifestyle changes, not just a diet and exercise plan that you can maintain Monday through Friday. Revisit your goals and recommit to making healthy and realistic choices every day that set you up for success in the long term.

8. Plan for the week ahead.
--Take a Sunday afternoon or evening to plan your meals, hit the grocery store, and do some big batch cooking for the week ahead. That way, when your busy week gets even busier, you'll already be ahead of the curve and able to stay on track! Don't forget about laundering your workout clothes, packing your gym bag, and getting prepared for your exercise routine too.

9. Weigh in Monday morning.
--It’s best to schedule your weekly weigh-in for Monday morning. Knowing that you'll step on the scale at the start of the week can help you to stay accountable and be more aware of your weekend choices.

10. Schedule your cheat meal.
--For most of us, it is inevitable that you are going to have a dinner date, party, wedding, or event where it is going to be very difficult to stick to a particular nutrition plan.  So pick your time and place where you will indulge, and stick to it!  This is the best way I know how to keep one cheat meal from becoming a cheat day, to morphine in to a cheat weekend!  Haha   Knowing you have a delightful meal ahead of you will keep you motivated to make great decisions before and after that meal!