Friday, March 25, 2016

Plastic Potties and Peanut Butter M&Ms: How I Potty Trained My Twin Two-Year-Old Boys

*** This entire article is based on my opinion and experience ONLY.  I am not an expert of any kind, so if you have any concerns about my method, you should ask your pediatrician, counselor, or child’s teacher.  You are more than welcome to kindly disagree ***

If I was going to attempt potty training my 2-year-old twin boys (they will be 2 ½ on April 28th) before my fourth baby arrived (May 24), it was now or never.  So I spent the bulk of last week hunkered down inside our house armed with plastic potties and Peanut Butter M&Ms.

It was not something I was looking forward to, but I told myself I would give it three, absolutely consistent, dedicated days, and if they weren’t making significant progress, we would put those potties away for the next six months at least. 

Last Tuesday morning, the diapers came off and the potties came out, along with the towels and sanitary spray.  To be honest, there was a part of me that hoped they would NOT get it.  Potty training and its maintenance is quite a commitment, and I wasn’t sure I was ready.  But they absolutely surprised me and rocked it.

By day three (Thursday) there was no denying that they were getting it.  They only had one accident each and in both instances, they were headed to the potty.  On day six, we went to church diaper-less and accident-free. 

As a mom, there is no greater miracle than potty-training your child.  Nothing will make you feel more like superwoman than successfully teaching your child how to use the toilet.  I am so terribly proud of my sweet boys and their willingness to learn and I have to admit I am a little proud of me too : )

As I look back over the last week, I realize that everything I did with the boys is almost exactly what I did with Sienna when she was potty trained at only 21 months old.  I am assuming I did a few things right, so I wanted to write down my experience in hopes that it will help others. 

In the next few paragraphs I am going to explain exactly what I did, and why I did it.  I will also list key take-a-ways and give you a current update on where we stand, including the things that still aren’t perfect!

My Method and Best Tips

The first three days are nearly identical.  I feed them a nutritious breakfast of oatmeal and then I let them eat all the salty snacks they want, so they will drink a lot, and therefore pee a lot.  I also give them apple juice (which they never get).  The goal is to give them multiple opportunities to “practice” going potty.  I want them to pee more than they normally would, so they can’t just hold it for hours. 

I close the doors to the bedrooms and try to confine them to our living room and play area.  I keep the plastic potties where we are, so they are visible and easily accessible. 

I do not ask them to sit on the potty at regular intervals.  I prefer to catch them in the act, grab them, place them on the potty, and let them finish (hopefully) in the potty.   If I can tell that they have to go potty, I will beg or bribe them to sit and then I might read to them, let them see my phone, and entertain them however I can until they go. 

I will encourage them to sit on their potties while they are watching TV or I am reading them a book.  Often this will lead to them eventually going in the potty. 

I celebrate every drop in the potty.  Even if they start on the floor and only get a few drops in the toilet, I celebrate big and give them a treat.  Oh, and my boys LOVED carrying the plastic potty insert to the real toilet, dumping it in, and flushing it.  This was a huge deal to them!

When they have accidents, I do not criticize or make them feel bad in any way.  I usually say something like, “Uh-oh!  Pee-pee goes in the potty silly boy!”  Any correction is very light-hearted, smiley, and friendly!

I diaper them for their afternoon nap and bedtime, but no other time. 

I prefer to keep them naked, but sometimes the boys wore undies if they wanted to.  I think there are advantages and disadvantages to children both being naked and wearing underwear.

When they are naked, you can more easily catch them in the act.  Also, I believe that sometimes undies can give children the impression that something is there to “catch” their pee or poop.  When they are naked, there is nowhere else for it to go. 

One advantage to undies is when a child has an “accident”, they can FEEL it, and may find it uncomfortable which is a good thing.  Some children enjoy picking out their own undies and don’t want to “mess” them up.  Having twins, I wasn’t always able to catch them in the act, so undies allowed me to see who made the mess. 

I remember with Sienna, at the end of day two I wanted to quit.  I felt she had regressed, it wasn’t working and I was ready to throw in the towel.  I felt very similarly with the boys, except now I knew, this was normal, and I needed to stick with it for day three.  Don’t give up after day two!

Unless they are REALLY not getting it, by day three, I do not purposely feed them salty snacks and drinks.  I go back to our normal eating/drinking routine. 

On day four, I move the plastic potties in to the bathroom, so the boys have to be conscious about giving themselves enough time to walk to the bathroom.

On day five, I put undies on them consistently and put the plastic potties away, encouraging them to use the real toilet either with or without the insert. 

I have heard that placing them on the toilet backwards is great because it minimizes the mess.  We did that a few times, but I also have taught them to sit far back on the toilet and lean forward, which also is very effective!

On day six, I took away the insert and we headed out of the house, in public, to church, for the first time.  I walked them in to their class and showed them the potty and reminded them to tell their teacher if they needed to go.  They did not use the potty, but they also did not have an accident.  After leaving their class, I took them to the potty, where I bribed them with a mint, and they both sat and went. 


Today is day eleven and they are doing so well.  We’ve been to restaurants and the zoo with no accidents!  But when they are out in public, it has been more difficult to get them to try going.  I usually have to bribe them with a mint or candy or treat just to sit on the potty.  But it works and usually they do have to go.

What About #2?

Maddox is pooping in the potty consistently.  Price is not.  Price either goes in his diaper at nap or nighttime, or very unfortunately (and luckily rarely) goes in his undies.  That is NOT a fun clean-up : )  I haven’t done anything different with Maddox than Price, so I am just going to let this run its course and hope Price catches on!

Other Issues

On the other hand, Maddox will not go at school with his teachers.  I am wondering if it has less to do with school, and more to do with the fact that I am not there.  So I am going to be more intentional about having other people take him to the potty instead of me, so he will become more comfortable.

What About Naps and Nighttime? 

I don’t know when I will take away the diapers for naps and nighttime.  With Sienna, that was a slow process and I didn’t even consider it until she had consistently awakened dry.  To me, this is minor, did not cause confusion and never affected her daytime progress. 

How Do You Know If Your Child Is Ready?

Honestly, I don’t know how to tell if a child is ready or not.  I know there are readiness factors you should certainly take in to consideration (read more about that here), but when I trained my daughter at 21 months, she wasn’t “ready” at all according to the charts.

I also attempted potty training my sons six months ago, and it didn’t work.  So I tried again six months later, and they picked it up in three days.  In my opinion, if they aren’t significantly making progress after three days, they probably aren’t ready, and you should wait a few months and then try again. 

That being said, I don’t think it hurts to try early.  I feel like waiting too long gives children the opportunity to become headstrong and even develop unrealistic fears about it.  I like to at least try when they are still sweet, enjoy pleasing mom and dad, and don’t know any better!


-       **Keep the small plastic potties accessible and visible.
-       **Reward and celebrate every “hit”.
-       **Don’t leave the house for at least three days.
-       **Feed them salty snacks and lots of drinks, to give them many opportunities to practice.
-       **Naked or undies: it’s up to you!  You may need to experiment and see how your child responds best.
-       **Don’t give up after day two!
-       **After three days, you can start making small progressions like putting undies on, moving the plastic potties in to the bathroom, taking away the plastic potties, and even venturing out of the house.
-       **Always keep small mints or candies (that won’t melt) around so you can bribe and reward your child when appropriate.

I would love to hear from you and what has worked for you!  What did you do similarly to me?  What did you do differently? 

Any tips for me regarding Maddox's unwillingness to go at school and Price's unwillingness to go #2?

And like I said, I am no expert, but if you have any questions, I will absolutely do my best to answer them.  Feel free to comment below!

Monday, March 21, 2016

How I Learned to Dream Again

"Dreams are the power of God.  It's His thoughts when we lack thoughts, hope when we lack hope, and his reality overriding our seemingly impossible path." Havilah Cunnington

Even when I wasn't dreaming, God was dreaming for me.  Even when I was not making plans, God already had His plans laid out.  Even when I felt purposeless, God had a purpose.  Even when I felt invisible, God saw me.  Even when I felt worthless, He called me beautiful. 

As I sit here now, full of hope and ambition and life, I am amazed at what God has done.  There was this time when I thought God was pretty much done with me.  I had lived my highlight reel in high school and college.  I had done my part, and now it was time to sit back and watch everyone else's dreams unfold.

Though I couldn't have been more wrong, I was definitely lost.  I had someone become stuck.  I was the kind of girl who always knew what was coming next, I set goals, and never doubted who I was.  But year after stagnant year, I lost track of myself and God's vision for my life.  I became complacent, content with mediocrity, okay with sitting the bench.  

Finally, I began to wake up.  Something in me started stirring because honestly, I was bored.    I was living a nomadic baseball life with a sweet one and a half year old little girl.  She napped like clockwork, which is when I would spend way too much time watching television.  Boredom forced me to consider my options, but not yet take action.  

Eleven months later, I was not bored anymore.  With a two year old daughter and newborn twin sons, boredom was not an issue.  But I was still drowning.  I became desperate to do more, to be more.  I needed to feel more like ME and less like a zombie milk machine.  And so I did something I told myself I would never do.  I joined a network marketing company called Beachbody and my life has never been the same.  

This story isn't about Beachbody, it's about God's faithfulness.  It's about the way He didn't give up on me, even when I had given up.  He was patient when I was stubborn.  He waited on me until I was ready.  He oh so gently continued to move in me and speak to me and show me the way, even when I didn't want to see it.  He continued to dream for me and about me, just waiting for me to join Him.  Now, we dream together.  

Sweet friends, you have not already lived your highlight reel.  You have better things, the best things even, yet to come.  God is not done with you yet.  He has not demoted you to second string.  He is still dreaming for you and about you with big plans yet to fulfill.  He's always inviting you to join Him.  

Pray about God's dreams for your life.  Pay attention to the opportunities, people, and ideas that keep coming up and won't seem to go away despite your best efforts to make them.  Read a book that will encourage you and challenge you to pursue God's dreams for your life.  Surround yourself with doers and dreamers.  

Start dreaming with God again. 

Books I recommend: 

"Eat Pray Hustle" Havilah Cunnington
"Life Unstuck" Pat Layton
"Restless" Jennie Allen
"You Were Made For a God-Sized Dream" Holley Gerth

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How To Be Better

"How are you feeling?"

29 weeks in to this pregnancy, I have been asked this question a lot.  My most recent response  has been...

"I feel great right now, but ask me again once this NUMBER FOUR is actually born."  

The truth is, it's been the kind of week where I wonder how we are going to do it.  How will I properly attend to this precious newborn baby's needs while simultaneously fulfilling the very real needs of my 2 year old twin sons and my 4 year old daughter?  

This week, it's been scary to think about.  I have felt inadequate and unprepared for the huge adventure ahead.  This week I have struggled to train and love and discipline and nurture the three children I have.  It's been a tough week...the kind of week where you give yourself credit for surviving at all.

But it's also been the kind of week where you realize you need to re-evaluate and decide to become better.  It's the kind of week that motivates you to stop worrying and start praying.  It's the kind of week that makes you want to be the woman God created you to be, not the one you currently are.  

I am going to be more intentional...more intentional in my prayer life, more intentional in my marriage, more intentional in my parenting.  How? 

1. I was recently hit by Peter Haas' quote, "if you're praying more for circumstantial things than for character, you're out of sync with God."  Guilty.  So I am going to start praying for God to make me in to the mother and wife He wants me to be. I am going to start praying for my children more specifically.  I am going to start praying for my marriage more purposefully.  

2. Matt and I have been busy.  We've been overwhelmed.  We've been stressed.  This has allowed for some dissension to enter our relationship.  We haven't been connected the way we should be.  There is no room for space between us when this baby comes.  We need to be on the same page, with the same vision, and clear expectations. We need to be one.  It's time for Matt and I to carve our more one-on-one time for each other.  And he agrees.  

3. I have struggled to be intentional in my parenting.  I wake up with the right attitude, a beautiful plan for our day, and by 8:17am, I am already in survival mode.  Perhaps, I need to just be.  I need to rest in Jesus.  I need to be present.  I need to take the time to teach and discipline even when I don't feel like fighting my stubborn toddlers.  And I need to keep reading.  I need to invest in learning and growing as a mother because it turns out that incredible, Godly children usually don't happen by accident.  They happen because of intentionality, purposefulness, and a lot of prayer.  

So while I feel overwhelmed, doubtful, and scared, I also have a renewed sense of hope and peace and excitement.  Why?  Because I have a God who is far bigger than my doubts and fears.  I have a God who allows us to grow and CAN make me better.  I don't have to be stuck the way I am.  I have potential!  And I might even be able to pull this 4 kids, 4 and under thing off thanks to the power and grace and kindness of God.    

So what are you reading?  What books have made you better?  What habits have improved your life, your motherhood, your marriage?

I am freely taking prayers and suggestions!