Tuesday, January 24, 2017

#MomHack: Sleep Training

Would you believe that I drafted this post back in August?  But to be honest, it's taken me this long to post about a topic that's so controversial in mommy world.  But here we go...

Let's talk sleep-training.  That's right.  Sleep training.  Are you already fired up, ready to pounce on me?  :)  Well let me go first and start out with some prefaces because the last thing I want to do is offend anyone or invite unnecessary criticism to myself (been there, done that).  

  • I am not a doctor.
  • I am not an expert of any kind.
  • I do not know it all.
  • Every child is different.
  • Every family is different.
  • What works for me may not work for you.
  • If your baby has any health issues whatsoever, talk to your pediatrician.  
  • I absolutely respect and admire you for making the best decisions for YOUR family. 
So why bring it up at all?  Why must I share my well-meaning advice?

Because my first baby about knocked me out for the count.  I was exhausted, overwhelmed and scared.  Since my firstborn, I have birthed twin boys, and just last year we welcomed home a 4th baby (another girl).  But which baby was my toughest adjustment?  My firstborn.  There is nothing that can prepare you for motherhood as a rookie...no book, no well-meaning fellow mom, no youtube video or tv show, not even a super helpful blog (wink wink).  Nothing. First time motherhood (for me) was a SHOCK to say the least.  

But luckily for me, a good friend recommended "The Baby Sleep Solution" by Suzy Giordano, and by following the guidelines, all FOUR of my children (including the twins) started sleeping 12 hours at night by 12 weeks.  They were also all very consistent nap-takers (is that the professional term?), sleeping 1-2 hours twice per day at the same time everyday.  

I declare those stats with humility, not arrogance.  When "it worked" for Sienna, I figured it was a fluke, but I knew I would try it with the twins because the book was originally intended for multiples (the author has five children including twins, and works as a baby coach in the DC area).  Sure enough, the twins caught on, and four babies later, I am so grateful for Suzy Giordano and her book.  

As far as I know, the book does not differ too greatly from other sleep training books.  Her methods were familiar.  This is a matter of opinion, of course, but I feel her system is very balanced.  She makes it simple.  The book is an easy read, which is important when you can barely keep your eyes open as it is.  I'm not here to discuss the actual methods used or the step by step process she explains, but if you're interested you should definitely buy the book here.

**Before I go on, let me say one more time that by sharing what has worked for me, I am in no way judging you, your parenting style, or your belief system.**

I will say this on the book and how it works: it requires consistency and discipline on your part.  It requires YOU to do your best to stick to a schedule.  For me, I thrive on routine, so I didn't mind.  But for you spontaneous, creative, free-spirited mamas (who I adore and wish I was more like, by the way), this may be more difficult.  

People always ask how I am able to work my business from home with all four children at home with me (most days).  Time management?  Definitely.  Systems?  Of course.  But ultimately, it's because my children are on a consistent routine.  I know without a doubt, that my three littlest will take a nap and my oldest will have quiet time at the same time everyday.  I can plan my household duties and business items around their nap schedule.  And the rest of the time?  We get to play!  

The bottom line is, while some people find a schedule confining, I have found that there is so much freedom in routine.  Did I have to sacrifice some lunch dates?  Yes.  Do I make every playdate?  No.  But for me, it's been so worth it.  

I also really believe this consistency has benefitted my marriage.  We have weekly date nights and are able to travel without the kids because we don't have to worry about how the children will respond to a babysitter.  

So that's why I am writing this post.  This book worked for me.  I feel compelled to share it because maybe it will help another sleep-deprived mama, as well.  I have birthed 4 children in 5 years and motherhood is hard.  Really really hard.  And I think we need to share information, share tricks, share tips and tools and resources!  

I want to know how you raise healthy eaters and how you instill a grateful heart in to a five year old and how you get through the day without totally losing your "you know what".  I want to know your favorite books!  I want to know what your best #momhack is!  Share away! :)