Monday, April 15, 2019

Going for it

I’ll never forget the day I decided to be a pole-vaulter. I was walking down the hall of my high school, a fourteen year old freshman, and I was stopped by the track coach. His exact words were…
“You look strong. You should try pole-vaulting.”
I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Okay.”
I tried it because I was trying to find my place.
I tried it because I figured being a part of the track team would help keep me fit.
I tried it because my gymnastics career had come to an end and I was looking for a new challenge.
I tried it not knowing if I would be good at it.
I tried it not knowing if I would even like it.
I tried it without any real belief or vision for the future.
What started as a total whim, something I thought was just a hobby turned into two high school state championships and a college scholarship to the University of Florida, where I ended my career as an All-American and outdoor school record holder.
It’s funny though because I was thinking about it today and my business started the EXACT same way, for all the same reasons.
I was a mom trying to find her place, her purpose.
I figured at WORST, I would get back into shape after having the babies.
I needed a new challenge.
I started tentatively and unsure.
But just like with my pole-vaulting career, I went for it. I worked hard. I learned and I grew little by little. I leveled up, raised the bar (pun totally intended ðŸ˜œ), and have built a career out of what I thought was just going to be a hobby.
Crazy, right?