Saturday, August 31, 2019


“One of the reasons we prioritize our children over our spouse is because our kids’ needs are usually more obvious…If we feel like we’re in survival mode, our instinct is to respond to the loudest noise. Our days are often determined by which fires need to be put out instead of by our priorities.
My husband rarely has the loudest need in our home. Because of that, I have to be really intentional about hearing him. I have to be diligent in asking how I can serve him. If I don’t, I forget that he has any needs of his own and simply see him as a workhorse.” Valerie Woerner
Guilty. ðŸ™‹ðŸž‍♀️
I especially love the part about how our days are typically spent putting out fires instead of attending to our priorities. I feel like that in my marriage and motherhood and business.
The thing is, the fires are going to come and they ARE going to have to be put out. So as always, it comes down to intentionality. Carving out specific times in your day to focus on priorities…making them non-negotiables and no matter whats, while also acknowledging that everything can NOT be a priority.
Easy, right? ðŸĪ·ðŸž‍♀️ðŸĪŠ
But your marriage? It should always make the list. ❤️

Friday, August 2, 2019


"𝗠𝘆 ð—Ŋð—ēð—đ𝗞𝘃ð—ēð—ą ð—ģð—ŋð—ķð—ēð—ŧð—ą, 𝗜 ð—―ð—ŋð—Ū𝘆 𝘁ð—ĩð—Ū𝘁 ð—ē𝘃ð—ēð—ŋ𝘆𝘁ð—ĩð—ķð—ŧð—ī ð—ķ𝘀 ð—ī𝗞ð—ķð—ŧð—ī 𝘄ð—ēð—đð—đ ð—ģ𝗞ð—ŋ 𝘆𝗞𝘂 ð—Ūð—ŧð—ą 𝘁ð—ĩð—Ū𝘁 𝘆𝗞𝘂ð—ŋ ð—Ŋð—žð—ąð˜† ð—ķ𝘀 ð—Ū𝘀 ð—ĩð—ēð—Ūð—đ𝘁ð—ĩ𝘆 ð—Ū𝘀 𝘆𝗞𝘂ð—ŋ 𝘀𝗞𝘂ð—đ ð—ķ𝘀 ð—―ð—ŋð—žð˜€ð—―ð—ēð—ŋ𝗞𝘂𝘀." 
3 𝗝𝗞ð—ĩð—ŧ 1:2

My mission for my customers is not that they would just look good for beach season. Or hit a number on the scale. Or even workout everyday. 

𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝘁ð—ĩð—Ū𝘁 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē𝘆 𝘄𝗞𝘂ð—đð—ą ð—Ŋð—ē ð—ĩð—Ūð—―ð—―ð˜†. And feel confident. That they would surprise themselves at their strength and challenge themselves beyond what’s comfortable. That they would pursue personal growth and discover new passions. That they would set goals and dream big dreams. 

It’s not enough to just find your six pack. 
You must also find a love for yourself that comes from the inside, an inner peace that defies what’s going on outside, and a hope that anchors your soul.