A little over five weeks ago, I became a Diamond coach in my Beachbody business. I know that most of you have no idea what that means, and that's okay because this post is not about Beachbody. Just know that it was a big goal for me and it's a big deal in Beachbody world. So what's your point? I hate setting goals. And I really hate setting goals with a deadline. Even worst? Setting goals with a deadline and TELLING someone about it. It gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. It.is.scary.
But pursuing Beachbody has challenged me and changed me. I have been challenged to get out of my comfort zone and inspired to dream. I hadn't set goals for myself in a long time. As a matter of fact, the last time I set a goal for myself was 2009. Yep, 2009. That is the summer I competed in a figure competition. And while I did achieve that goal, it wasn't nearly as fun pursuing, as pursuing this one was!
And before that...the last time I set a goal was in 2006 when I decided I was going to earn All-American status as a pole-vaulter at the University of Florida. I managed to do that too, and pursuing THAT goal was one of the best times of my life! : ) Do you know what's interesting about my pole-vaulting goals? Besides wanting to be an All-American, I had a height goal. My goal was to vault 13'8" (just higher than the outdoor school record). Do you know what I vaulted? 13'8". I am content with that. But what if my goal had been to vault 14'6"? Could I have achieved more by just aiming higher? I guess we'll never know.
Goals with dates are scary. Why? Because it's embarrassing when you don't achieve it. You may feel discouraged or down or silly or humiliated. Those emotions hurt. Did you know that my first date to go diamond was April 17th. Obviously, that didn't happen. And the next date was June 19th. It didn't happen then either. BUT IT DID HAPPEN on July 24th. Was I disappointed when April 17th and June 19th rolled around and I wasn't where I wanted to be? Yes. But on July 24th, when my coach made this beautiful image of me and said some really sweet things about me...I was thrilled! I achieved my goal. I didn't think to myself, "Man, this is okay, but I still really wish I would have done this three months ago." I had no regrets or disappointment in the timing.
But you know what I do wonder? What if I had not given myself a deadline in my goal of becoming Diamond? What if I had not aimed high, set a date, and told my coach? Would I be a Diamond Coach now? Maybe. But honestly, I don't think so. I am more and more convinced that writing out your goals WITH dates and sharing them with someone is of the utmost importance in actually achieving your goals.
What goals are in your heart that you have not had the courage to put on paper yet? What goals have you set that you have not solidified with a date? Don't dilly-dally. Put yourself out there. Take a risk! What's the worst that could happen? It takes three months longer than you hoped? : )
I would love to hear what goals you have been afraid to speak out loud! Share in the comments below or connect with me on Facebook!