So...I am going to write about my children. I am going to write what I love about them, the funny things they do, and how they interact with each other. That's what I am going to do today. And at least for today...I will remember.
Sienna is smart. She's so stinkin' smart. She remembers everything. As we drove by Ballyhoo's the other day, she told me that Papa didn't like his food there, and that Nonna spilled her food all over "Huckle Brent's shoes." She hasn't been to Ballyhoo's in over six months.
Just this morning, we watched a clip from the Sound of Music with Julie Andrews, and she says, "That's Mary Poppins." Honestly, I don't think I ever realized Julie Andrews played both roles until I was a teenager.
She is a masterful negotiator and she knows it. Just last night, I was hell-bent on delivering the consequence I had warned her about when she once again came out of her room after we put her in bed. But before I could get a word in, she holds up her hands to stop me and says, "I just came to give you a hug. Just one hug. Then I will go back to bed and I won't come out again." How do I punish that?
Another night, before Matt had gone to our room, he gave her a stern warning about what would happen if she came out of her room again. Well, needless to say she preys on the weak, because when it was just me in the living room, she came out of her room. She speaks to me for a minute or two in soft whispers, and then deviously holds up one finger, with a mischievous glint in her eye and says, "I don't tell my Daddy I came out!" Laughing, she sprinted back to her room.
She knows what she is feeling and isn't afraid to express it. After picking her up from school one day, I could tell something was wrong. After asking her several times, she finally glares at me and says, "I didn't have my blankie today." Syrupy sweet, I respond, "Oh Sienna, I am so sorry. Did that make you sad?" Immediately, with fire in her eyes, she yells, "NO! I NOT SAD, I'M ANGRY!" Once again, I very kindly and humbly told her how sorry I was that I forgot. She just as quickly says, "Don't tell me you're sorry!"
She is sassy as all get-out, but I can honestly say, she matches her sass with sweetness. Her awareness of how other people are feeling is truly touching. She is very affectionate with me, Matt, and her brothers. She nurtures Price and Maddox and treats them like they were her own babies. She quickly befriends and embraces most everyone she meets. She is extremely social, loves to go to the Bounce House, church, and Monkey Business. She prefers spending time with her Papa, Nonna, and Granny than us I think! She is always up for an adventure and ready to take a risk. If we are on the boat, she wants to go faster and asks if she can jump off in to the water. Speaking of jumping, she loves to jump off of things. She rarely walks, preferring to run everywhere. Her favorite thing to do with Daddy is play "pillow fight" and she loves to color with her markers and do puzzles. The girl has a sweet tooth, which has served us well in bribing her to eat her vegetables! She is a good eater when she wants to be, but it's not much of a priority to her. I think she views eating as a hassle, as she has more important things to do. She also loves gifts and is enthusiastic about even the smallest of things. Gifts are the way to her heart, and she always remembers who got her what!
Sienna Rose LaPorta is a force to be reckoned with even now, and I can only imagine her presence and character will grow stronger and more infectious as the years go on. I pray everyday for wisdom in how to "train her up in the way she should go." She is definitely a world-changer, and I pray she always has a heart for Jesus, never straying to the right or the left.

Price is the most lovable child I have ever known. That does not mean I love him more than the others. It's just a sense of who he is. He is just a very likable, lovable little boy, and I think he always will be. Where Sienna and Maddox are very emotional and full of energy, Price is more low key and low energy. His little body is the perfect toddler boy body. He has creamy white skin, huge hazel eyes, a big, round, fat head, broad shoulders, and thick legs. He is also bow-legged and pigeon-toed when he walks, so his butt sticks out, and it's more of a waddle. I will never tire of watching him walk. He worships his sister and would follow her anywhere...he does actually follow her everywhere! He knows Maddox better than anyone...I can see that already. I brought Maddox in to the room where Price was sleeping, and Maddox immediately begins to look for something. Maddox had not made a peep, but Price immediately reached down, grabbed his pacifier, and handed it to Maddox, knowing that was EXACTLY what he was looking for. It was the craziest "twin" thing I've seen so far. Price gives out kisses freely, but Sienna and Maddox still get the most. Price LOVES trucks and cars. Matt was out in the backyard moving some trailers and jet skis around, and Price was at the sliding glass door, watching his every move, fascinated! Sienna has a toddler jeep they all ride around in, and Sienna and Maddox have to rotate because Price refuses to get out of the jeep. When we do finally force him out, we have to drag him kicking and screaming (literally). Speaking of low maintenance and even-keeled as Price is, there are moments when he wants what he wants, and he will throw a tantrum with the best of them! But my Price-guy is quiet and gentle and just so darn lovable! He is my tender-warrior.
Maddox has a LOT of personality. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is already very all-or-nothing. When he is happy, he is the most engaging, sweetest, cutest, enthusiastic baby you've ever seen. But when he is sad or angry, he is the most inconsolable, ornery, little guy you will ever see! That being said, I think Maddox loves me the most. He is always the happiest to see me when I come through the door. He is very possessive, and often becomes upset when I hold Price or Sienna, even if he was totally fine previously. He screeches at the top of his lungs when he is excited and makes a little "O" with his tiny lips when he is curious about something. Both boys point at everything that catches their eye or attention. Maddox also adores Sienna, and follows her everywhere. He gives kisses, but not as freely as Price, and most of the kisses he does give go to Sienna or Price. Maddox and Price truly enjoy one another. They play together more than they want to play with me. They make each other laugh and always hug and kiss each other. That being said, neither one is afraid to throw some elbows around when they are after the same toy! Maddox has a wild head of frizzy curls, and a truly beautiful face. People still ask us if he is a girl and I credit his delicate features and huge brown eyes to that. Maddox loves to spin in circles. Both boys clap and dance to Hillsong's Crazy Noise DVD. They even know how to push the buttons on the player to make it turn on. Price begins swaying before the movie has even started. They love to play outside and always make a run for the door as soon as it opens. They love to play hide-and-seek, especially Price. Both have very good appetites, usually eating everything we place in front of them! Maddox's enthusiasm for life is contagious, and I pray he always carries that adventurous spirit and joy wherever he goes.
These three babies have planted themselves in my heart and soul, and I am unbelievably blessed and humbled that God could trust ME with THEM. They teach me so much everyday, but the most important lesson they teach me is how unfathomable is God's love for me. How unimaginable is His grace. How abundant are His blessings.
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