Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Do you choose a “word” for the year? If so, what’s your word?

Last year, for the first time, I decided I wanted in on this game. 

My word for 2017 was “AVAILABLE”. I wanted to be more interruptible, I wanted to be less focused on me and my perceived lack of time and more on others (namely my family) and what was needed around me. My word was not life-changing and I think I did an okay job of living it out, but I appreciated the focus it gave me and the small reminder of what my priorities should be.

So, this year, I wanted to play again.

I prayed for a word, but I didn’t like the word that kept coming up (anyone else feel me?). Finally, knowing I couldn’t ignore this word any longer, I surrendered to it.


Doesn’t it sound greedy? Selfish, even? I thought so too. It made me uncomfortable and I didn't like it.

But then God (there's always a "But then God" isn't there?) told me that this word is not telling me to STRIVE for MORE, but to remind me that I already have more than ENOUGH. My life is ABUNDANT.


So whenever I feel myself longing for more or jealousy rears its ugly head or I’m getting greedy or feeling the need to keep up and work harder, "ABUNDANCE" is there to keep me grounded, to put me in my place, and say, “Don’t do more, GIVE more.”

So that's me. ABUNDANCE. 

What's your word?

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