"Men suffer more from imagining too little, than too much." P.T. Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Ya'll, we've been watching and listening to The Greatest Showman on REPEAT around this house. And I still can't get enough.
But it's this quote that I remember the most. It's this quote that touched me to my core.
Because not too long ago, I was suffering from imagining too little. I saw my life through a small, narrow lens. I felt like my best years were behind me. I had stopped dreaming big (and even small) and I wasn't setting goals anymore. I had put myself in a box...the mom box, assuming that any other dreams and passions and gifting I had were to be put away for at least the next 18 years.
I'm so so glad I was wrong. And if you're feeling this way, you are too. God is NEVER done with us. We were designed to dream big dreams and create beautiful things.
So let's go do that.

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