Monday, January 14, 2019

What I Learned

I fell short of a huge goal in my business this past year. For the first time in four years, I did not meet the requirements to be called an Elite coach.
And it is important to me to share this with you because you all have been so generous with me, so supportive, so receptive in allowing me to share my life, my business, and my family with you. And it’s so much fun to tell you the good stuff, but it doesn’t seem right if I don’t share some of the disappointments along the way. I feel like I owe that to you.
So what did I learn?
1. You have to track your goals consistently from the get-go. The title of Elite is a YEAR-LONG quest. I should have mapped it out, broken it down, and made sure I was meeting the standards back in January, instead of waiting until October to really start measuring my progress.
2. While I am disappointed, I am not devastated. My ego is bruised, but my confidence is not shaken. I am discontent with the outside results, but very much at peace within.
3. Even without the title of Elite, I am still as passionate and excited about my business as ever. Elite does not change my potential for income or growth or my ability to mentor my team and customers. I was worried the wind would be taken out of my sails by this failure, but instead it has burned a new fire within me…the fire of discipline and intention and belief.
4. Kisses from Tessa > Elite ðŸ˜œ
So thank you. Thank you for reading my posts and cheering me on along the way…for your prayers for my family and my business…for your likes and comments and messages.
I love being a part of this community and sharing the good (and sometimes the bad).

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