I am not immune to the comparison game.
I am not immune to trying to do TOO much.
I am not immune to wanting to take control.
So on the days when I take my eyes off of Jesus and start looking around at everyone else, at my list of projects, at all I’m NOT getting done, I remember this verse:
“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.” Proverbs 4:25-26
In addition, I think this excerpt from Valerie Woerner’s book, “Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday” sums it up:
“Comparison can sideline us from our own mission when we start feeling responsible to do things God has called other people to do. And the thing is, God doesn’t give out extra credit if we finish our mission and start working on someone else’s. We please God and glorify Him most when we listen intently for His leading and obey Him. Isn’t that refreshing?
God doesn’t cram things in, so I know His mission for us, if we choose to accept it, will be a breath of fresh air compared to what we might attempt on our own.”
I am not immune to trying to do TOO much.
I am not immune to wanting to take control.
So on the days when I take my eyes off of Jesus and start looking around at everyone else, at my list of projects, at all I’m NOT getting done, I remember this verse:
“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.” Proverbs 4:25-26
In addition, I think this excerpt from Valerie Woerner’s book, “Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday” sums it up:
“Comparison can sideline us from our own mission when we start feeling responsible to do things God has called other people to do. And the thing is, God doesn’t give out extra credit if we finish our mission and start working on someone else’s. We please God and glorify Him most when we listen intently for His leading and obey Him. Isn’t that refreshing?
God doesn’t cram things in, so I know His mission for us, if we choose to accept it, will be a breath of fresh air compared to what we might attempt on our own.”
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