Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Office of my Dreams

Ya’ll, I’d like you to meet the office of my dreams.
What’s funny about me having an office is that I never, NOT EVER pictured me being the kind of girl who needed an office, or even wanted one.
From the time I was a little girl and all the way up through high school and college…I ONLY ever wanted to be a mama.
I know that’s not very popular to admit these days. I know that women (and men) are encouraged and pushed to be more, do more, make more, dream more, all the MORE things.
But being a mama WAS MY DREAM. And boy, was that dream fulfilled in the sweetest, most fulfilling of ways…“more than I could ask or imagine”.
So when it started to feel hard, like really hard (i.e. three babies two years old and under), I felt guilty. I felt guilty for feeling like it was hard. I felt guilty for feeling like there was no end in sight. I felt guilty for looking ahead to an “easier” season of life. I felt guilty because I knew I wasn’t enjoying them the way I should. I felt guilty because I knew how crazy blessed I was, yet I was struggling with the thought, “Is this it?”
I knew I wasn’t being the mama they deserved, the wife my husband needed, and the woman God had called me to be.
Something needed to change, I needed to change, so I joined an online fitness challenge and decided to do this network marketing fitness business called Beachbody. Not because I wanted an office (#workperk). Not because I wanted to build our forever home. Not because I knew Matt would be retiring from baseball and we would need the extra income (God knew). Not because I had an entrepreneurial spirit or had a social media following (I don’t and I didn’t).
I started because I knew the change needed to start with me. I started because I needed to do something, ANYTHING. I started because I needed to re-build my confidence with small wins and remember WHO I WAS. I started knowing I might fail, but also knowing I might not, and either way, I would be better off than if I hadn’t tried.
And now here I am. I am a work from home mom with her own office (who would have thought?), with the insane blessing of serving my highest calling as a wife and mama with a little something for me on the side.

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