Was this the rest my body needed? Probably so. Did I NEED to jump head first in to another physically demanding program? Probably not.
Something good has happened in the midst of my non-working out days. I have played with my children more. I have taken more walks. I am more willing to swing them, chase them, jump with them, run with them, and throw them in the air.
Why? It's not why you would think. It's NOT because I have more energy because I didn't deplete myself in a workout. It's not because I am less sore.
It's because I was seeking to burn calories and get a "workout" in due to the fact that I hadn't worked out earlier. Playing with my children became a double bonus. I could give them the time, attention, and fun they deserved while simultaneously pushing my body past the ordinary.
Have you ever really RAN around the yard with your kids for 10 minutes? Chances are, you will be out of breath. Do you toss them in the air? Do that enough times, and your arms will feel fatigue. Jumping? That's called plyometrics.
I miss my workouts and am anxious to get back in to a routine again. My body doesn't feel the same without them. But I love what I discovered during my off time. I loved being an active, crazy-fun, engaged mom, instead of the mom who sits and watches her kids run and jump and spin (I'm not being critical because I am totally that mom sometimes).
The point is, playing outside has become a gift to me and my children, and a part of my day that I wholly look forward to...workout or no workout.
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