Darren Hardy talks about how once you've hit the wall, once you've reached your max, if you can just push a little further, do a few more, and put in some extra work, your results will multiply exponentially.
Using weightlifting as an example, if your program requires you to do 12 reps, and you feel like you have hit your MAX, but you decide to push through and do 3 MORE repetitions. Hardy explains it this way:
"You won't just add a few reps to the aggregate of your workout. No. Those reps done after you hit your max will multiply your results. You've just pushed through the wall of your max. The previous reps just got you there. The real growth happens with what you do after you're at the wall."
Isn't this exactly what Shaun T has asked us to do? He has asked us to not JUST give 100%, he asks us to give 100%, and then give it AGAIN and AGAIN throughout the thirty minute workouts.
"Viewing yourself as your toughest competitor is one of the best ways to multiply your results. Go above and beyond when you hit the wall. Another way to multiply your results is pushing past what other people expect of you--doing more than 'enough'".

What is great about the chapter of this book and the whole of Hardy's book is that this does not just relate to your health and fitness. This principle can be applied to every area of your life! I leave you with one last quote from Hardy:
"Where in life can you do more than expected when you hit the wall? Or where can you go for 'WOW'? It doesn't take a lot more effort, but the little extra multiplies your results many times over. Whether you're making calls, serving customers, recognizing your team, acknowledging your spouse, going for a run, bench pressing, planning a date night, sharing time with your kids, whatever...what's the little extra you can do that exceeds expectations and accelerates your results?"
I hope you are as inspired and challenged by these concepts as I am! I encourage you to max out and then max out again and again throughout your day and in every area of your life.
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