Tuesday, October 28, 2014
365 Days Later
365 days ago, I was induced at 38 weeks, and gave birth to twin boys. Price was 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and Maddox was 5 pounds, 7 ounces. They are one year old today, but Price still outweighs Maddox : )
When I found out I was pregnant with twins, I was ecstatic, but I was also scared. I was scared I wouldn't be able to handle it, I was scared of potential health complications for me and the babies, I was scared I wouldn't get any sleep, and in my vanity, I was scared of what a twin pregnancy would do to my body. Would I get stretch marks? Would my feet get bigger? Would my abs split? Would my tummy stretch to the point of no return? When would I have time to workout AFTER they were born? What would my life...my body look like when all was said and done?
By the grace of God even though I am still overwhelmed most days, God has given me the strength and stamina to do the best I can with my sweet girl and two little boys. I am happier and more confident than ever before. I have a healthier attitude towards food and fitness and my body than ever before. So what happened? I learned to be flexible. I learned to have grace on myself. I learned that a 25 minute workout interrupted by tiny hands grasping at me, little boys crying, and a little girl who has a million questions...was better than no workout at all. I learned to keep healthy snacks nearby that I could quickly shove in my mouth. I learned to rely on Shakeology everyday. I learned when I needed to take the time to invest in myself even when there were no minutes to spare. I learned to laugh at my loose skin. I learned how to relax even when there were more "important" things that needed doing. I learned what contentment and balance look like in my life now. (Unfortunately knowing what it looks like and living it out are two different things, but I'm working on it).
I did not do anything miraculous or extreme. I tried to take each day one at a time (sometimes each hour a minute at a time!), I did my best to make more good decisions than bad, and took the time to invest in MYSELF, knowing that in the long run that investment would result in a better mommy and wife. 365 days later, I am happy. I am blessed beyond measure. I have more love in my heart for three little babes than I ever thought possible.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Gym Rat vs At-Home Fitness
I am (was) an admitted gym rat. I love(d) the gym. I love walking in to the spacious building, smelling the sweat/cleaning solution combo, listening to the humming of the treadmills, grunting of the muscle-heads, clang of the weights, and up-beat music blasting from the aerobics room. I love "competing" with the unsuspecting person next to me on the elliptical, showing off my strength on the chin-up bar, and using the ONLY machine that will isolate those pesky inner and outer thighs (you know the one I'm talking about). I love socializing with the people I know, slightly nodding at the familiar faces I see every single day, yet do not know, and probably never will. And...dare I say it? I like feeling attractive at the gym, I like a wee bit of attention and RESPECTFUL admiration. Am I allowed to admit that? Well I just did because it's the truth. The point is, I feel at home in a gym. All through college and in the few years after college (before I got married), I spent a LOT of time in the gym first as an athlete, then as a personal trainer.
When I became a Beachbody coach, I was very unsure of how I would enjoy at-home fitness. Going to a gym gave me something to do, something to look forward to, and a sense of community. Working out at home with my DVD player wouldn't give me any of that. Skeptically, I pressed play to my first workout of P90X3 with Tony Horton. When I wasn't rolling my eyes at his corny sense of humor, I was gasping for breath, sweating bullets, and grunting painfully through the workout. I became a believer. What's more, it literally took me 30 minutes from start to finish.
Here's the thing, there are days where I pushed myself at the gym. There are days where I gave myself a heck of a workout. But if I'm being honest, most days, I did my thirty minutes of elliptical, a few lunges and pull-ups, looked around, socialized, and called it day. Even as a personal trainer, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it, I STILL didn't do it. I did not push myself, and rarely had someone else to...(except the unsuspecting person on the treadmill who was running faster than I was and for longer...WHAT?!)
The DVDs I have since used (P90X3, T25, and PiYo) challenge me way more than I ever challenge myself. Tony Horton, Shaun T, and Chalene Johnson may not actually be with me in person, but boy do they push me through the TV. I find myself talking to them as if they were there, and working out like they could actually see me.
Do I still love the gym? Yes. Will I ever go back to working out at a gym? Absolutely. But I am SOLD on Beachbody's at-home fitness DVDs, as well. Even if you are gym rat like me, they are perfect for those days when you won't have time to drive to the gym, check in, wait for your machine, go to the bathroom, make small talk with an acquaintance, and drive home. Incorporating quality and effective workout DVDs in to your normal routine could give your body and metabolism the change-up and boost it needs.
Friday, October 17, 2014
10 Things THEY Never Told Me About Having a Baby
10 Things THEY Never Told Me About
Having a Baby:
1. They never told me it would look
like THAT down THERE!

2. They never told me that life would
NOT in fact revolve around that tiny 8 pound newborn baby, but around your milk
3. They never told me, my boobs would
feel like they were STUFFED with dozens of marbles when the milk came in.
4. They never told me I would
LITERALLY feel like I got run over by a truck after I gave birth for the first
5. They never told me that any sense
of modesty would go out the window during and after childbirth.
6. They never told me that I would
have to count the number of times my baby pooped AND describe in detail the
7. They never told me what a double
electric breast pump does to your nipples.
8. They never told me I could
possibly, ever be THAT tired and exhausted.
9. They never told me about nap jail.
10. They never told me not to do a
plank exercise because what is hanging beneath your stomach is SCARY
Monday, October 13, 2014
Here's the thing...I am not "dieting" on Thanksgiving Day...or for that matter, the whole rest of that weekend. So how could I ask anyone else to do the same? But here's what I will do. I will be as disciplined as possible in the three weeks leading up to Thanksgiving Day, so that I can indulge in the savory goodness and sweet deliciousness without guilt. I will have worked hard, fueled my body, and then...I will FEAST.
This is why my next challenge group is called The Countdown to Turkey Day Challenge. I am hoping I can find a few other people who want to put in the work for three weeks, and then enjoy their Thanksgiving dinners with relish. The group and my one-on-one coaching is free with purchase of a Beachbody challenge pack! Anyone who commits to the group by the Sunday, the 19th, will be entered in a drawing to win a free bag of Strawberry Shakeology. Comment below or connect with me on Facebook if you would like to join me in this Turkey Day Challenge!
This is why my next challenge group is called The Countdown to Turkey Day Challenge. I am hoping I can find a few other people who want to put in the work for three weeks, and then enjoy their Thanksgiving dinners with relish. The group and my one-on-one coaching is free with purchase of a Beachbody challenge pack! Anyone who commits to the group by the Sunday, the 19th, will be entered in a drawing to win a free bag of Strawberry Shakeology. Comment below or connect with me on Facebook if you would like to join me in this Turkey Day Challenge!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce
A friend sent me a blog post called 10 Things I Want My Daughter To Know About Working Out and it completely inspired me to think about how I want Sienna to view health and fitness. My daughter is three years old, and she sees everything. EVERYTHING. Am I sending her the right messages? Does she see me looking myself up and down in the mirror critiquing this and that? Does she hear me talk negatively about my own body or heaven forbid, someone else's? Does she watch me prioritize my workouts before all other things? Does she notice that I never indulge in a delicious, fattening dessert?
Happily I can answer "No" to many of these questions. I am not afraid to crush some cookie dough and I am not in a habit of negative self-talk, especially out loud. But what this blog made me realize is that at least for right now, while she is still young and impressionable, I have the opportunity to mold her perspective and mindset on what a healthy balance looks like.
- I want her to feel the ache of sore muscles knowing her body is becoming stronger.
- I want her to experience the ecstasy of finishing a long, hard run.
- I want her to grit her teeth in determination.
- I want her to sweat the sweat of discipline.
- I want her to know the anticipation and adrenaline rush of competition.
- I want her to recognize that inner beauty and strength result in physical beauty and strength.
- I want her to be the best version of herself, exactly who God created her to be.
- I want her to smile with satisfaction after accomplishing a physical feat.
- I want her to learn to love God's beautiful creation in a variety of ways (i.e. biking, swimming, hiking, para-gliding, etc)
- I want her to live without fear or abandon, knowing she can do anything.
- I want her to create the lasting friendships that are a result of a mutual passion for health and fitness.
- I want her to go on adventures, carving her own paths.
- I want her to treasure and cherish the body God has given her.
Is this too much to ask? I hope not. Can I create this idealistic approach in this perfection-crazed society. I hope so.
What is one message about health and fitness you want to pass on to your children?
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Passion Project
I have been running fitness challenge groups for months now, and have yet to do a group just for moms. Moms are my "Why". Moms are the reason I am so passionate about Beachbody. Beachbody saved me almost ten months ago as an overwhelmed, desperate mom of a two year old girl and two month old twin sons. I think motherhood is the most beautiful gift God could give a woman, and I also think it's the most challenging role God gives us.
My vision for this group is that moms can come together, read a great book, work towards our health goals, and encourage and challenge each other along the way. I am so excited I finally ponied up and am doing this group.
The book we are reading is called "Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!"
I don't know many moms who couldn't benefit from a book like this. It will be challenging, and I hope it will help all of us live in the present, notice the little things, and miss less precious moments.
I am asking that all mamas commit to a Beachbody fitness program and Shakeology for the duration of the 4 week group. The health and fitness portion of this group is extremely important to me and I believe in the products that Beachbody has to offer! I want to help each mama start down the road of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I think we all deserve to feel beautiful in our OWN skin.
I am so excited for this group and I hope the mamas who join will gain as much as I hope they will from it. If you are interested in joining, please leave your email in the comments section below or message me on Facebook. I would love to hear from you and get to know you better! There are only a few spots left, and the absolute last day to order is October 13, so act fast!
My vision for this group is that moms can come together, read a great book, work towards our health goals, and encourage and challenge each other along the way. I am so excited I finally ponied up and am doing this group.
The book we are reading is called "Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!"
I don't know many moms who couldn't benefit from a book like this. It will be challenging, and I hope it will help all of us live in the present, notice the little things, and miss less precious moments.
I am asking that all mamas commit to a Beachbody fitness program and Shakeology for the duration of the 4 week group. The health and fitness portion of this group is extremely important to me and I believe in the products that Beachbody has to offer! I want to help each mama start down the road of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I think we all deserve to feel beautiful in our OWN skin.
I am so excited for this group and I hope the mamas who join will gain as much as I hope they will from it. If you are interested in joining, please leave your email in the comments section below or message me on Facebook. I would love to hear from you and get to know you better! There are only a few spots left, and the absolute last day to order is October 13, so act fast!
Monday, October 6, 2014
What Does a Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle Look Like?
I posted this image on my facebook wall, and was shocked at
how much feedback I received. I didn’t
realize how many people struggle to find balance in their health and fitness
life. The struggle is real.
I have not achieved the perfect balance, but boy am I closer
than I was a few years ago.
A few years ago, I ate oatmeal for breakfast every single
day. I ordered a salad when I ate out
every single time. I worked out five
days/week without fail. I did AT LEAST 1
hour of cardio every workout session.
Working out took priority over everything. When I did indulge in unhealthy foods, I went
overboard, which resulted in feeling awful, which made me disgusted with myself
leading to extreme dieting for the next three days until that number on the
scale was back down to where it “should be”.
On the off-chance I missed a workout, the guilt ate me up. It would be
all I could think about and I would be in a bad mood all day. I weighed myself every single morning, and
the number on the scale set the precedent for my attitude and actions
throughout the entire day.
Writing this out and re-reading it makes me sad for that
girl. It’s not that I was perpetually
unhappy. I was a very happy, positive,
fun person, but the control that fitness had over me was ugly and
unhealthy. The guilt I would feel was
unnecessary. My heart goes out to those
women and men who are still caught in this nasty cycle.
I also want to be clear that not one of those things I
listed above are wrong (except maybe the extreme dieting part). What’s wrong about my lifestyle back then was
my attitude and heart behind all of those actions. The actions by themselves are pretty good
habits, but the control I gave each one of those actions and the lack of grace
I gave myself is where the problems lie.
I can honestly say, I don’t know what changed in me. Pregnancy and breast feeding was a huge
catalyst for adopting a healthier balance.
Doing what was best for my babies helped me put everything in
perspective. Also, after training for a
figure competition in 2009, my eyes were opened to the extreme behaviors I
practiced to accomplish that feat which turned me off completely from living
that way.
So what does a healthy lifestyle look like now?
- · I work out from home for 30 minutes/day at the MOST using some incredible Beachbody DVDs like PiYo, T25, and P90X3.
- · My goal is to get 4-5 workouts in per week. Some weeks, I only get 2-3 in and guess what…I don’t beat myself up for it! Victory!
- · I try to make more healthy nutrition decisions than unhealthy.
- · I don’t count calories, but I do my best to eat whole foods.
- · Shakeology has been a big part in me eating healthier and getting the nutrients my body needs everyday.
- · My husband and I try to eat very healthy in the home, so that when we do go out to dinner once or twice a week, we readily and happily INDULGE!
- · I no longer have rules for what my workouts MUST look like. My goal is to be active whether that’s chasing the kids around the yard or going for a walk or playing beach volleyball…it all counts!
I encourage you, my friends, to give yourself grace. Keep working to walk that fine line of
contentment and becoming a better version of you!
Do you struggle with finding balance in your health and
fitness? I would love to talk to
you! Connect with me on facebook or
leave a comment below!
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