Monday, October 6, 2014

What Does a Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle Look Like?

I posted this image on my facebook wall, and was shocked at how much feedback I received.  I didn’t realize how many people struggle to find balance in their health and fitness life.  The struggle is real. 

I have not achieved the perfect balance, but boy am I closer than I was a few years ago. 

A few years ago, I ate oatmeal for breakfast every single day.  I ordered a salad when I ate out every single time.  I worked out five days/week without fail.  I did AT LEAST 1 hour of cardio every workout session.  Working out took priority over everything.  When I did indulge in unhealthy foods, I went overboard, which resulted in feeling awful, which made me disgusted with myself leading to extreme dieting for the next three days until that number on the scale was back down to where it “should be”.  On the off-chance I missed a workout, the guilt ate me up. It would be all I could think about and I would be in a bad mood all day.   I weighed myself every single morning, and the number on the scale set the precedent for my attitude and actions throughout the entire day. 

Writing this out and re-reading it makes me sad for that girl.  It’s not that I was perpetually unhappy.  I was a very happy, positive, fun person, but the control that fitness had over me was ugly and unhealthy.  The guilt I would feel was unnecessary.  My heart goes out to those women and men who are still caught in this nasty cycle. 

I also want to be clear that not one of those things I listed above are wrong (except maybe the extreme dieting part).  What’s wrong about my lifestyle back then was my attitude and heart behind all of those actions.  The actions by themselves are pretty good habits, but the control I gave each one of those actions and the lack of grace I gave myself is where the problems lie. 

I can honestly say, I don’t know what changed in me.  Pregnancy and breast feeding was a huge catalyst for adopting a healthier balance.  Doing what was best for my babies helped me put everything in perspective.  Also, after training for a figure competition in 2009, my eyes were opened to the extreme behaviors I practiced to accomplish that feat which turned me off completely from living that way. 

So what does a healthy lifestyle look like now? 

  • ·      I work out from home for 30 minutes/day at the MOST using some incredible Beachbody DVDs like PiYo, T25, and P90X3. 
  • ·      My goal is to get 4-5 workouts in per week.  Some weeks, I only get 2-3 in and guess what…I don’t beat myself up for it!  Victory!
  • ·      I try to make more healthy nutrition decisions than unhealthy. 
  • ·      I don’t count calories, but I do my best to eat whole foods.
  • ·      Shakeology has been a big part in me eating healthier and getting the nutrients my body needs everyday.
  • ·      My husband and I try to eat very healthy in the home, so that when we do go out to dinner once or twice a week, we readily and happily INDULGE! 
  • ·      I no longer have rules for what my workouts MUST look like.  My goal is to be active whether that’s chasing the kids around the yard or going for a walk or playing beach volleyball…it all counts! 

I encourage you, my friends, to give yourself grace.  Keep working to walk that fine line of contentment and becoming a better version of you! 

Do you struggle with finding balance in your health and fitness?  I would love to talk to you!  Connect with me on facebook or leave a comment below! 

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