Friday, August 29, 2014

I Hate Setting Goals

A little over five weeks ago, I became a Diamond coach in my Beachbody business.  I know that most of you have no idea what that means, and that's okay because this post is not about Beachbody.  Just know that it was a big goal for me and it's a big deal in Beachbody world.  So what's your point?  I hate setting goals.  And I really hate setting goals with a deadline.  Even worst?  Setting goals with a deadline and TELLING someone about it.  It gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.  

But pursuing Beachbody has challenged me and changed me.  I have been challenged to get out of my comfort zone and inspired to dream.  I hadn't set goals for myself in a long time.  As a matter of fact, the last time I set a goal for myself was 2009.  Yep, 2009.  That is the summer I competed in a figure competition.  And while I did achieve that goal, it wasn't nearly as fun pursuing, as pursuing this one was!  

And before that...the last time I set a goal was in 2006 when I decided I was going to earn All-American status as a pole-vaulter at the University of Florida.  I managed to do that too, and pursuing THAT goal was one of the best times of my life!  : )  Do you know what's interesting about my pole-vaulting goals?  Besides wanting to be an All-American, I had a height goal.  My goal was to vault 13'8" (just higher than the outdoor school record).  Do you know what I vaulted?  13'8".  I am content with that.  But what if my goal had been to vault 14'6"?  Could I have achieved more by just aiming higher?  I guess we'll never know.  

Goals with dates are scary.  Why?  Because it's embarrassing when you don't achieve it.  You may feel discouraged or down or silly or humiliated.  Those emotions hurt.  Did you know that my first date to go diamond was April 17th.  Obviously, that didn't happen.  And the next date was June 19th.  It didn't happen then either.  BUT IT DID HAPPEN on July 24th.  Was I disappointed when April 17th and June 19th rolled around and I wasn't where I wanted to be?  Yes.  But on July 24th, when my coach made this beautiful image of me and said some really sweet things about me...I was thrilled!  I achieved my goal.  I didn't think to myself, "Man, this is okay, but I still really wish I would have done this three months ago."  I had no regrets or disappointment in the timing.  

But you know what I do wonder?  What if I had not given myself a deadline in my goal of becoming Diamond?  What if I had not aimed high, set a date, and told my coach?  Would I be a Diamond Coach now?  Maybe.  But honestly, I don't think so.  I am more and more convinced that writing out your goals WITH dates and sharing them with someone is of the utmost importance in actually achieving your goals.  

What goals are in your heart that you have not had the courage to put on paper yet?  What goals have you set that you have not solidified with a date?  Don't dilly-dally.  Put yourself out there.  Take a risk!  What's the worst that could happen?  It takes three months longer than you hoped?  : )  

I would love to hear what goals you have been afraid to speak out loud!  Share in the comments below or connect with me on Facebook! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Is a Fresh Start


The last few weeks, I have been in a funk.  The funk affected all areas of my life, but none more than my fitness.  I have only worked out a handful of times over the course of the last three weeks.  I have felt bloated with less energy and a bad mood.  NOT a good combination.  And my husband was feeling the same way, at least in regards to his fitness.   

So we made a decision.  We are going to get our work out in at 6:00 AM every morning.  He feels like if we have a consistent time we do it every day, and especially so early, that things won't "just come up" and we will hammer it out and be done with it.  I have been waking up at 6 anyways to do be quiet, read my Bible, and pray.  And I could still do that at 6:30, but I find it very hard to get in to that place with God if I am dripping sweat.  SO...I will be waking up at 5:15 to get MY time in and then workout.  

Isn't it exciting?  Doesn't it feel so good to have a plan in place?  To make decisions that you KNOW will positively affect your life?  To be intentional, instead of just leaving everything to chance, hoping what you want will happen?  To have priorities and stick to them?  

Do these feelings fade?  Yes.  But that's why I am grateful for the accountability of my husband and my role as a Beachbody coach.  

T25/PiYo here we come!  On September 15, we will begin the 21 Day Fix (for the first time!), and then I'm thinking of repeating P90X3!  Wish us luck!  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The 3 Day Refresh: Day 3

Weight: 113.2

I DID IT!!  I'm not going to lie, I almost faltered at the last minute, but I pressed on and stayed strong!  We had an event last night where I managed to avoid all the appetizers going around, BUT THEN, the girls wanted to go out for dinner.  To be honest, I had already decided I was going to just eat!  But then when I got there, sat down, and looked over the  menu, NOTHING was jumping off the menu at me.  There wasn't anything worth cheating for!  I am really proud of myself.  I'm just sayin'.

Yesterday was very busy, so I can honestly say I wasn't that hungry and until that dinner out, it was very easy to stick to the plan.  By far, the hardest day was DAY 1.  I didn't know what to expect, or how I would feel, so once I understood what it was like and what I needed to do, I was able to adjust my expectations and my mindset.  

I know I've said this in the previous two posts, but it is worth repeating. It is unbelievable how much I rely on food for comfort and happiness throughout my day.  It was an excellent challenge to find things to be excited about, take joy in, and find comfort in that were not food-related.  It was a very healthy exercise for my spirit, mind, and body.

My Final Review: 

Did I enjoy the Vanilla Fresh Shakes?  

Did I enjoy the Fiber Sweet drink?  

Did I enjoy the lunch, dinner, and snack options?  
Yes!  I will continue to eat my cucumber hummus sandwiches, as well as, incorporate coconut oil in to my cooking more often.

Will I do the Refresh on a regular basis?  

Will I ever do the Refresh again?  
Yes, but not anytime soon.

Total Weight Lost?
3.5 pounds

How did it affect my digestive system?

My bowel movements were less frequent, but the first day I had terrible, embarrassing gas :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The 3 Day Refresh: Day 2

Weight: 114.9

After yesterday (Day 1), I honestly wasn't sure if I would continue on.  I was going to see how I felt this morning, and go from there.  I am happy and proud to say that I am still going!  There are a few reasons, I decided to continue.

1. I am leading a challenge group were I have several other women and men doing this with me.  Accountability is amazing because I honestly would have felt like I was letting those people down, had I quit.  I wanted to lead by example, and therefore, pressed on.

2. I knew what to expect today.  I knew the times I would be hungry, I knew what all the shakes and drinks tasted like, so I was able to adjust my expectations and plan better for today.

3. I decided to gain control of my joy.  This has been eye-opening to how much I depend on food for my happiness.  It's embarrassing to even type that statement out, but it's true.  Yesterday and today I was not very hungry, but I was still irritable.  And it's because I didn't feel satisfied.  Why, oh why does such a huge part of my fulfillment and satisfaction come from FOOD?!

Today was not very different, except that I did stretch my meals out a little further, so that I ate my dinner at 6:15 PM instead of 5:30 PM.  I also bought some herbal peppermint tea that I drank in the afternoon and the evening after dinner.  Both of these changes made a significant difference throughout my day. 

Dinner: Asparagus, olive oil, sliced almonds,
and sea salt

My afternoon snack of cucumbers and hummus

Monday, August 18, 2014

The 3 Day Refresh: Day 1

Starting weight: 116.7 pounds

CONFESSION: I have not been looking forward to this cleanse or excited about it or even very motivated to do it.  I am not a "cleanse" type of person and I am not trying to lose weight, so my only motivations is the truth that my body really could use a REFRESH because I don't always consume the cleanest foods.

Breakfast (7:30 AM): 1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology, 10 oz water, 1/2 banana

I LOVE Shakeology, but I make no secret about the fact that I do not like it with just water.  

Fiber Sweep (10:30 AM): I had prepared myself for the worst on this drink, and because of that it wasn't as bad as I thought.  But don't get me wrong, I did not enjoy it.  

Lunch (12:30 PM): Vanilla Fresh shake, 10 oz water, 1/2 peach, 1 cup of cooked spinach, 2 tbsp of hummus

I am not a fan of the Vanilla Fresh shake, as I don't care for the flavor.  

Snack (3:30 PM): 1 cup of cooked spinach, 2 tbsp of hummus

Dinner (5:30 PM): Vanilla Fresh shake w/ 10 oz water, 1 1/2 cups steamed broccoli, 1/4 tsp coconut oil, 1/8 teaspoon salt

I enjoyed being able to eat the veggies, fruit and healthy fats throughout the day.  Unfortunately, those were the highlights.  I was not hungry for the whole day, but there were periods where I was.  I for sure need to eat dinner later because I am pretty hungry right now as I type this.  

I have learned and realized how much I depend on food for fun and for emotional reasons.  I had a rough day with the kids, and felt overwhelmed and stressed, and BOY, did that make me want to eat!  I also realized how often and easy it is to grab a handful of pretzels or goldfish or finish their sandwich...whatever it is you're feeding your kids.  By NOT doing that today, I learned how habitual it is for me to do that and RELY on those "snacks" as a big part of my nutrition.

If I am being TOTALLY vulnerable and honest, I am not sure I can do this for three days.  I just don't like cleanses.  I don't like feeling like I am forbidden from even eating anything healthy!  Also, my husband is not too thrilled about me doing it.  He is worried that I will lose too much weight.  Does my body need to reset?  Yes.  Is this the best way for ME to do it?  I'm not sure.

I will keep you posted on my progress tomorrow!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Morning Me Time

When I started writing this blog, I anticipated it primarily being a fitness blog with fitness-related content.  But over the last two months, as My Why has become more clear, I am feeling this itch to talk about my life as a mom too.  So I hope that's okay.

My daughter, Sienna, will be 3 in just a few weeks, and my twin boys, Price and Maddox, are 9 months old.  My days are long.  My days are busy...non-stop busy.  Don't get me wrong, I always find time to do my 30 minute workout and answer my Beachbody business-related messages.  But I came to realize that wasn't enough.  In order to have the patience and self control I needed to survive my days without completely flipping out (no sarcasm there), I needed quiet "ME" time.  And more than anything, I needed "GOD" time.  

So for months, I KNEW I should get up 1 hour before my daughter wakes up, get my coffee, and be still.  But I didn't do it...and I didn't do it...and I didn't do it.  Until one day, I did.  I have hardly missed a day since.  

The difference is astounding.  

Instead of Sienna interrupting my sleep and greeting her grumpily, I look forward to her peeking those beautiful eyes around the corner and delightfully (yes, delightfully) wishing her a "Good morning, beautiful!"  

Instead of feeling like I am in a losing race from the moment I wake up until the last child is in bed, I approach the day at an even, steady pace.  (Admittedly, the even, steady pace doesn't always last)

Instead of waking up overwhelmed with my duties, I am confident and excited to experience life with my children, while simultaneously pursuing my dreams, as well.  

And most importantly, I feel at home in my relationship with God.  He doesn't feel far away.  Spending that 45 minutes in prayer and gratitude gives me hope and passion in my role as a mother.

Real Talk:

Do I jump out of bed humming?  NO, but it's less difficult waking up than I thought.
Do I still lose it on my kids?  YES, but less often.
Do I always feel completely content and at peace?  NO, but it sure helps.
Do I do it everyday?  NO, but I do it Monday thru Friday.

All that to say, I feel like in doing this, I discovered this great big secret of motherhood.  It has made me a better mom and a better wife and a better everything.  I implore you...if you feel like you are barely keeping your head above water, try this.  Start small.  Start with 15 minutes of quiet.  Start somewhere.  Sometime.  Mamas need time to themselves.  They need time where they are not mamas.  

What do you do for YOU?  And when?  I would love to hear from you!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Accountability Is the Name of the Game

I have been in a workout rut for the last few weeks.  It started when a few of my PiYo DVDs were not working properly.  I found that was an excellent excuse for skipping a few workouts.  Since then, I just haven't been that motivated!  Again, there are a couple reasons for this.  My husband has been very busy, so he's skipping his workouts, leaving me to work out alone.  Also, P90X3 and T25 spoiled me with their 30 minutes or less workouts.  Man, some of those PiYo workouts are too long for my short attention span!  It makes me wonder how I ever went to the gym for well over an hour.  

So, how do I get my workouts in even when I am not motivated?  I get it done quickly.  Once all three of my children are fed, I pop that DVD in and press "PLAY" before someone has  a melt down, requiring my attention, and thus giving me another great excuse to skip.  Some mornings, I even wake up early to get it in before the kids wake up.  There are just those days I know that if I don't do it earlier, I will not do it.  

But what really kicks me in the butt to get my workout in?  Accountability.  As a Beachbody coach, I host challenge groups.  And everyday I post inspiration and tips and "assignments" for my challengers in order to help them stay motivated to do their workouts.  How can I not also do mine?  How can I also not make my workout a priority when I am asking them to?  

Accountability is powerful.  Accountability to yourself and to others will be the catalyst for the changes you want to see in your every area.  Write out your goals, speak to a friend, join a challenge group, hire a personal trainer, and FIND ACCOUNTABILITY, whatever that looks to you.  

Thursday, August 7, 2014

PiYo: Drench

I have been dreading this workout.  It's the longest workout in PiYo at 47+ minutes.  Ugh.  

Here's how it went down: 

Sun Saluatations
Beast/Kick Thrust (I'll probably have to  make a video to further explain WHAT that is)
Flow (a long series of different yoga poses)

By the end I wasn't drenched (although the HUGE fan in front of my face probably helped).  But I was ready to be done!  It was certainly challenging and I needed the stretch.  My hamstrings were TIGHT.  But this workout was not my cup of tea.  After doing P90X3 (30 minutes) and T25 (25 minutes), I am SPOILED!  I do not have the patience for a 45 minute workout anymore.  

To be completely honest, I am not sure if "Drench" will make my workout schedule again!  (Am I going to get kicked out of Beachbody for saying that?!)  : )  

I still love Chalene, although her boundless energy and enthusiasm even at minute 45 can be so annoying!  : ) 

Kick Thrust

PiYo Flip

Add caption

Monday, August 4, 2014

PiYo: Sculpt

I really liked SCULPT!  It was a 26 minute workout, and it went by fast, but was very effective.  You start with a 3 minute warm-up, followed by a 6 minute squat/lunge series, 6 minutes of Warrior 2 and Down Dog Leg Lifts, a 5 minute Push-up series, and 5 minutes of triceps, hamstrings, and cool down.

It was challenging, but not miserable.  I loved how the entire body was covered from head to toe.  My arms and legs were tired afterwards, but I could also normally function throughout the rest of my day.  

I continue to like Chalene and her style of teaching more and more.  She is enjoyable to work out with and she makes it fun!  

Sunday, August 3, 2014

3 Day Refresh Challenge Group

On August 18, I am doing a 3 day refresh challenge group followed by 11 days of clean eating, for a total of 2 weeks.  I am NERVOUS.  I LOVE food, I love eating, and I don't typically like "cleanses".  

But I have to say, what's great about the Refresh is that it isn't just juices and shakes.  You do get some REAL, WHOLE food.  Not a lot...but some!  You'll never be so excited about spinach : )  

My husband did the Refresh earlier this month and lost 6 pounds!  Now he did gain 2-3 pounds back, but he's kept off the rest!  That's why I want to follow up the refresh with a clean eating challenge because I believe that will help me and my challengers keep some of that weight off.  The Refresh will be a great kick start in to our clean eating, and hopefully some of us will come away with some better eating habits by the end!

Interested in joining?  Connect with me on Facebook or leave your email in the comments section of this post!  Will you REFRESH with me?

Day 1

Kale with pine nuts

Spinach salad

Asparagus with almonds

Day 3