Friday, December 7, 2018

Don't Give Up

Last week as I was reading Hebrews 10, I wrote these verses in my journal.
“Let us hold strong to the confession of our hope, never wavering, since the One who promised it to us is faithful.”
“Remember this, and do not abandon your confidence, which will lead to rich rewards. Simply endure, for when you have done as God requires of you, you will receive the promise.”
“But my righteous one must live by faith, for if he give up his commitment, My soul will have no pleasure in him.”
“My friends, we are not those who give up hope and so are lost; but we are of the company who live by faith and so are saved.”
I’m not sure how these may or may not speak to you, but as I read through these verses, it’s like flashing neon lights that say…

Friday, November 16, 2018

Give it a Fair Shot

Matt 100% supported me when I decided to try this business, but he had his doubts...he wasn't sure I had the kind of personality that could make something like this work. Why?
Because I don’t even like calling to order the pizza. (Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️) I don’t like calling the restaurant to make the reservation. I hate negotiating any kind of price. I’m outgoing in many ways, but NOT in those ways. Honestly, I’m more of a people pleaser than a bold #bosslady.
But despite all of that, I made this work. Because I chose to believe even when I doubted. I found a way to do this business in a way that felt good to me. I made the most of the time I had, not sacrificing the important things like family time.
It’s a new month which means I will be taking on 5 women to mentor and teach this business to. (Only 5 because I wouldn’t be very effective with any more than that).
You don’t have to be a professional at anything. You don’t have to look the part or know what you’re doing.
You just have to be willing to give this a FAIR shot, to do it scared, and pursue personal growth.

Friday, October 26, 2018

My Sweetnesses

This morning as I dropped my boys off at their VPK class, I vigorously waved and said “Goodbye my sweetnesses!!!”, in front of their whole class. In response, they gave me the biggest smiles and waved back equally as vigorous. ❤️
Walking away, I couldn’t help but wonder how many years I have left to love them, squeeze them, and loudly proclaim my adoration without them being embarrassed by me. 😳
I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know that from now on, I want to make the most of every hello and every goodbye, hugging and kissing them to my heart’s content. 🤗

Saturday, October 13, 2018


My word for the year has been ABUNDANCE. I’m not sure why that’s the word God gave me. It’s a word that made me uncomfortable. I kept thinking I must have misheard Him.
Yet, here’s what I’ve learned over the last few months. It’s okay to want more. You can pursue EXCELLENCE with an attitude of humility, contentment, and gratitude. You can dream big and still surrender to God’s will. You can desire more, while being generous with what you already have.
Abundance is of God.
"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Fight for Growth

I just set a REALLY big, year-end goal. The kind of goal that makes you nervous to even think about. 
I’m going to have to work harder than I want to work, get more uncomfortable than I generally like being, and willing to risk massive failure.
And even though this goal scares the crap out of me and I’m afraid to fail and not sure I’m up for this huge task, I also feel ALIVE.
I am willing to fight for growth.
Have you ever felt that way about something?

Thursday, September 27, 2018

He is faithful

“The one who has called you is faithful and He will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24
This was Sienna’s memory verse for the week, but I’m the one who has been reciting it, learning it, praying it, and resting in it all week long.
I don’t know what God has called you to, what He’s asking of you, or how He’s leading you. But I DO believe He is faithful and His word is sure.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Love Yourself

“The highest calling is not being a pastor, but becoming all God called you to be, namely a person who glorifies God in all you do.” Dave Gibbons

When I first started my business, this was something I really struggled with. Was working for a company named BEACHBODY glorifying to God? Did this make me vain? Does God care about working out? 

I landed here: 

God does not care whether you are a size 2 or a size 10. He does not care about how much you weigh. He does not care whether you have a six pack or love handles or stretch marks. 

But He does care that you LOVE YOURSELF well. He does care that you feel CONFIDENT enough to go DO the things He has called you to do. He does care about the foods we choose to fuel our bodies with. He does care that we are becoming all He has called us to be. He does care that you are HEALTHY, so that you can give your BEST to Him and those you are responsible for. 

For me, this business and these products were the gateway to all the things that I know God DOES care about. Taking care of myself, prioritizing my workouts and investing in my health is how God showed me WHO He wanted me to be and what He wanted me to do. 

And that is why I wholeheartedly believe that this business is exactly what God has called me to (even though it doesn’t sound as spiritual as being a missionary or something  ) It’s not about the bikini body or the little black dress. It’s about how the gift of health and confidence empowers you to go DO THE THINGS you were born to do.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Dream Big

"Men suffer more from imagining too little, than too much." P.T. Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Ya'll, we've been watching and listening to The Greatest Showman on REPEAT around this house. And I still can't get enough.
But it's this quote that I remember the most. It's this quote that touched me to my core.
Because not too long ago, I was suffering from imagining too little. I saw my life through a small, narrow lens. I felt like my best years were behind me. I had stopped dreaming big (and even small) and I wasn't setting goals anymore. I had put myself in a box...the mom box, assuming that any other dreams and passions and gifting I had were to be put away for at least the next 18 years.
I'm so so glad I was wrong. And if you're feeling this way, you are too. God is NEVER done with us. We were designed to dream big dreams and create beautiful things.
So let's go do that. 💙

Thursday, September 6, 2018

He is in charge

Remember that time you thought that everything depended on you? That time you thought your family was going to fall apart because you got sick and couldn’t be there to make sure everyone was on schedule? Or that your business was going to fail because of a missed goal or deadline? Or that feeling that you can’t possibly let one of the balls you’re juggling fall to the ground?
Yeah me too. Pretty much everyday. 
And then I read these words and I am instantly reminded of WHO is in charge around here and I am immediately infused with RELIEF and peace...the burden lifted.
“It was by Him that everything was created: the heavens, the earth, all things within and upon them...Every detail was crafted through His design, by His own hands, and for His purposes. He has always been! It is HIS hand that holds everything together.” Colossians 1:16,17
{Cue HUGE sigh of relief, my friends}
Thank God that my life and the lives of my family does NOT depend on Dara LaPorta. Thank Jesus that it is HIS hands that hold everything together, not mine.
These words give us permission to rest, to pause, to say no to frantic and yes to fulfillment, to surrender, to breathe deeply and slowly, and to grasp the peace and joy that is already ours for the taking.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


"You have to know what fulfills you and make it a part of your daily life, or you won’t have the energy to achieve your dreams." Tony Robbins
It's CRAZY how much I agree with this quote. I am not wired to go, go, go. I was not made to hustle the way some were made to do.
I am passionate about my business and my customers and my team, but this business is not my life. I have really big dreams for my team's future, but I'm not willing to sacrifice everything to get there.
I believe you must have moments that are just for you. Moments that fuel you and refresh you. Moments that give you LIFE. Moments where you unplug and do YOU. Moments where you turn your brain off.
Hustling, slaying, crushing it, killing it...that's only sustainable for so long.
For me? It's Jesus, watching Friends on Netflix with my main squeeze, Jane Austen and a hot latte, long walks, afternoon naps, and adventures with my kids.
What fulfills you? What gives you life? Whatever it more of it!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Count the Wins

“Each day offers a chance to grasp what truly matters despite the mistakes of the past.” Rachel Macy Stafford
I have made (and still make) so many mistakes as a mama. Somedays it feels like the failures far outweigh the successes.
But ya’ll, we need to start counting the wins. The small wins. The big wins. Every time we look into their eyes, every time we listen with enthusiasm, every time we crawl on the floor to play, every time we choose grace over harshness, every time we choose slow over hurry, every time we squeeze them tight.
Choose what matters today. Count the wins.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What if you succeed?

This quote from Jennie Allen’s, “Restless”, perfectly sums up the beginning of my story. All I wanted was to be a mom, so when the restlessness started creeping in, I felt confused, disheartened, and most of all, guilty.
Discontentment had no place in my absolutely abundant life. Who did I think I was? I was ALREADY living my dream of motherhood…wasn’t it greedy to want more? I had three (now four) littles at home; I didn’t get to dream anymore…at least not for a very long time.
That’s what I thought. But I was wrong. And so are you.
I finally decided to try something. I took a step, scared to death and sure I would fail, but I figured either it would work or it wouldn’t, and then at least I would know.
“Part of knowing where you need to be is knowing where you never need to be. “ Jennie Allen
This girl ^ is who I am looking for. I am looking for the girl who is looking for more. I am looking for the girl who is afraid to jump, but will do it anyways. I am looking for the girl who knows she has value to offer, but doesn’t know where to start. I am looking for the girl who is messy and imperfect and laughs through it all. I am looking for the girl who is brave enough to try.
Maybe this at-home coaching gig won’t be your thing. At least you’ll know.
But here’s my challenge, if you MUST consider everything that could go wrong and all the reasons you will fail, you must ALSO consider everything that could go right. What if you succeeded?

Friday, August 3, 2018


Four years ago, I built my business in between pumping for newborn twins and bottle feedings and entertaining my two year old and cleaning the bottles and changing the diapers, all while my husband was going through the most difficult transition of his life, retiring from baseball.
I remember thinking, “Am I crazy for starting a business right now? Could there be a worst time? I am struggling to handle what is already on my plate.”
But it was exactly what I needed, what our family needed in this most challenging season.
It fueled me with purpose and intention. I re- discovered what discipline and sacrifice and hard work looked like.
I was challenged in all the best ways. And I became better.
I believe wholeheartedly in margin. But don’t give “timing” too much credit. There’s never a good time to start a business, to learn something new, to take on a new passion project.
Sometimes you just have to go for it because SOMEDAY is nowhere to live.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Always Worth It

“He doesn’t just make promises to you; he is present with you in all his power, grace, and glory, so that you can have peace of heart, purpose and direction, and courage to face your parenting day.” Paul David Tripp
Some days, many days, I need flat-out GUTS to face my parenting day. It’s an ongoing test in patience and selflessness. It’s a minute by minute, hour by hour kind of process.
The sweetest moments are often, inexplicably, followed by some of the most challenging ones. It’s full of unexpected twists and turns, unpredictable, and full of surprises.
It’s beautiful and messy and glorious and hard and worth it. Always worth it.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

the One

I came here with nothing
But all you have given me.
If I haven’t yet, let me make it abundantly clear. ALL of this is because of Jesus. The trip, the fun, the success, the friendships, the rewards, the perks, the confidence, the hope, the passion...all of it comes from the One who saved me and continues to save me every single day.
I can not pretend that I am responsible for this. It was HIS power, His peace, His strength, His grace, His blessings, His unmerited favor, His blood, His forgiveness, His resurrection.
I am not a supermom, but he is the super God.
Jesus you’re still enough.
Keep me within your love.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Parenting with Him

“There is nothing more important to consistent, faithful, patient, loving, and effective parenting than to understand what God has given you in the grace of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Paul David Tripp
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
This book👆🏼is a game-changer. I thought parenting would just come naturally. It’s all I ever wanted to do, so I assumed I would be pretty darn good at it (not to brag or anything 🙄).
As it turns out, parenting does not just “come natural”. Also breaking news, I am not that good at it.
Parenting takes a crazy amount of intention, discipline, focus, sacrifice, surrender, humility, brokenness, patience, self-control, and all the things DAILY.
I am not good at ALL of those things everyday. I am not good enough to parent these sweet babies. I am absolutely inadequate. Realizing THAT has changed everything.
I am inadequate, but He is not. Knowing how much I desperately need His grace helps me pour out to my children the same grace they so desperately need.
This book, ya’ll. Seriously. 💙

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!”
~Peter Pan
Summer kind of feels like Neverland these days and I am obsessed. May my four little Peter Pans never grow up.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Grateful for "My Thing"

I struggled after having my first three babies. I quickly became overwhelmed by motherhood, losing myself in the process, and frankly, not enjoying those first few months and years the way I should have.
Tessa was my first Beachbody baby. And it's the first time in those postpartum months that I didn't feel like I was going to die. It's the first time I didn't completely lose who I was. And it's the first time I was able to REST in motherhood, instead of STRIVE.
And maybe it's because she was our fourth child, or maybe it's because we had done TWINS the last time (and it's probably both of those things). But I also think it's because she was my first Beachbody baby. Because I had my THING, motherhood didn't have to be the thing I competed in anymore. Motherhood didn't have to be the thing that measured my successes or failures. Motherhood didn't have to be the thing that I PERFORMED at anymore. It didn't have to be thing where I checked all my boxes.
I had my thing, which gave me the space to just be a mom. And rest in it. And enjoy it. And have fun with it.
I'm so grateful for my thing.
I'm so grateful for the gift of motherhood.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Choose Your Hard

I just finished Brendon Burchard’s “High Performance Habits” week. It was one of those books where you feel totally inspired, totally ready to take on the world, but at the same time, daunted. How am I going to implement everything I’ve learned? How am I going to live up to this?
And then I take a deep breath (literally), and I remember that I don’t need to do it all at once. I can go back to the very first chapter and start there, one step, one chapter, one habit at a time.
The thing is, living your best life, everyday, all the time is overwhelming to think about. But how much better to be a bit overwhelmed in the pursuit of excellence (not perfection), than to be complacent, never moving forward, and living underwhelmed by your life.
Both ways of living are hard.
Choose your hard.

Monday, May 14, 2018

I Am So Lucky

The other day I was picking up Sienna from school, and I had these three wild things with me. The teacher who walked Sienna to the van (yeah, I’m a van-mom and it’s the best decision we’ve ever made), looked inside, smiled, and said...
“OH you have all of them today! You are so lucky.”
And she’s right. I am so dang lucky. But what struck me about what she said is that it’s so different from what most people say when they see me caravanning around town with my little gang.
Most people look at me with pity or laughter and say something like, “Boy, you have your hands full!”
The stares and comments don’t bother me because they’re right. I DO, in fact, have my hands full. And I will take their pity and receive their laughter. Sometimes I feel pretty pitiful and need all the empathy I can get. And sometimes I’m more than happy to be the circus attraction at Target. 🎯
But for this sweet teacher to see me and all my little people in all our messiness and recognize what a GIFT I have been given is something that I have thought about a lot.
I have recalled that moment several times since then...often when I’m frustrated and tired.
I have ALL of them today. I am SO lucky.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Just a reminder...

Mamas, this is your gentle reminder from Emily Ley to invest in yourself...take care of you your own needs...take some timeouts to refresh and renew.
“When you contribute and let good things flow into your well, you’re not taking away from your kids. In fact, you’re filling up with that good, sweet water, so you can pour into your kids later.”

Thursday, April 12, 2018

A Beautiful Crisis

"Kids are a crisis. They're a beautiful crisis, but they're a crisis nonetheless. No one tells you this because they want you to have kids, too, so that the species survives. You don't realize it when you're in the middle of it either. Your only goal is to crawl across the finish line of an early bedtime and live to see another day." Jon Acuff
First of all, Jon Acuff is a writer and speaker, but he should be a stand-up comedian. I am reading his book, "Finish", and while I am learning a lot, I am laughing even more.
Also, it's okay to admit that parenting is freakin' hard. So.freakin.hard.
It is beautiful and ugly. It's my biggest success and my biggest failure ON A DAY TO DAY, MINUTE BY MINUTE BASIS.
It is by far, the greatest, most incredible dream and calling God has ever given me. But some days, this beautiful fairytale of a calling makes me want to curl in a ball and hide under my covers (it's been known to happen).
So if it feels unbelievably hard, and like nothing you ever expected or imagined, that's okay. It's supposed to feel that way. You're not alone.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Surrender to the Unknown

“Now I know that the best thing I can offer to this world is not my force or energy, but a well-tended spirit, a wise and brave soul.” Shauna Niequist
I've been reading Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist and it's one of those books I'll have to read over and over to truly digest. It's the kind of book you need to just marinate in.
This idea of heart over hustle, of presence over perfection, of grace over performance, of rest over something I've always believed in, talked about, and tried to practice.
But recently, God is taking me so much deeper. Where I thought I understood grace, I am still striving. Where I thought there was contentment, there is still a greed for more. Where I thought there was rest, there is still relentless urge to DO.
But I am surrendering to it. I am surrendering to the not knowing, the idea that I am not as together as I thought. I can be okay here for a while, marinating in the unknown, truly depending on Jesus, trusting Him to show me the way.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

One of my Least Favorite Words

Striving has become one of my least favorite words. Just hearing the word makes me tired. I spent the last part of 2016 and the first half of 2017 STRIVING; I was reaching too far, stretching myself too thin. I didn’t feel like I was doing anything well: coaching, mothering, or wife(ing). By mid-2017, I was exhausted and burnt out.
Reading this excerpt from “She Is Free”, by Andi Andrew, took me right back to that season of my life:
“Whenever I feel totally out of my depth, unable to achieve what I am supposed to do, I know I’ve stepped out of connection with God and have started to walk in STRIVING and fear. Worry leads to a striving life of self-preservation instead of one of rest in God’s unfailing love. When we seek Him first, we are rewarded with HIM…
When we CLAW after our own destiny in fear, we reap anxiety and striving, and the “STUFF” we accumulate must be maintained by our own strength.”
Striving is not a place I want to live and walk in. I can’t do it. I’m not meant to do it.
I want to live according to my priorities. I want to work hard and know when to stop. I want to trust the process. I want to rest in the hope of Jesus. I want to dream God-sized dreams and then surrender.
It all sounds so good, right? But I don’t live there ^ everyday. I relapse into striving. I imagine we all do. But if we are going to strive, let us STRIVE after the life of ABUNDANCE and joy and hope and REST God has already given us, IF we will just ease into it, ease into HIM.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

More Than Enough

I've been reading "She Is Free" by Andi Andrew and the she is laying down TRUTH all day long. But it was these words that hit me square and left a mark:
"Am I serving the God of Just Enough or the God of More Than Enough? Am I operating out of inadequacy, pride or false humility?
I have always subconsciously labeled myself as undeserving- never expecting too much of God's desires for my life. In order to avoid disappointment, I hoped little. I'll have 'just enough' my whole life.
Without knowing it, I had believed a lie that it was selfish to dream big, or dare I say it, even want for more." All of it. Every word described the Dara of the past.
I set the bar low for my life, so I wouldn't get disappointed. I assumed my best days were behind me. I thought my role as a mama was the ONLY way God was ever going to use me again. I didn't expect to take on any more roles, any more callings, any more purpose.
I thought God was done with me. And I kind of wanted Him to be. I didn't hope for more or believe for better. I convinced myself that I was content, that I was fine, that I was happy. And in many ways I WAS, but in many ways, I certainly was not.
Finally, I got honest with myself, realized the state my soul was REALLY in, and did something about it. I stepped out in faith, became a virtual health and fitness coach, began to share my story, and it's been a WILD, beautiful, hard, purpose-filled journey ever since.
I am NOW serving the God of More Than Enough.
I hope you are too because He is so much MORE, than just enough.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Do you choose a “word” for the year? If so, what’s your word?

Last year, for the first time, I decided I wanted in on this game. 

My word for 2017 was “AVAILABLE”. I wanted to be more interruptible, I wanted to be less focused on me and my perceived lack of time and more on others (namely my family) and what was needed around me. My word was not life-changing and I think I did an okay job of living it out, but I appreciated the focus it gave me and the small reminder of what my priorities should be.

So, this year, I wanted to play again.

I prayed for a word, but I didn’t like the word that kept coming up (anyone else feel me?). Finally, knowing I couldn’t ignore this word any longer, I surrendered to it.


Doesn’t it sound greedy? Selfish, even? I thought so too. It made me uncomfortable and I didn't like it.

But then God (there's always a "But then God" isn't there?) told me that this word is not telling me to STRIVE for MORE, but to remind me that I already have more than ENOUGH. My life is ABUNDANT.


So whenever I feel myself longing for more or jealousy rears its ugly head or I’m getting greedy or feeling the need to keep up and work harder, "ABUNDANCE" is there to keep me grounded, to put me in my place, and say, “Don’t do more, GIVE more.”

So that's me. ABUNDANCE. 

What's your word?

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

They Are My Reason, Not My Excuse

She is my reason, not my excuse. 

And I don’t mean that in a snarky, “I’m better than you because I workout” kind of way. 

But it is my truth. After I had the twins, my three very young children were my excuse for everything. I stopped moving forward. I stopped growing. I was letting life happen to me instead of LIVING my life because I had so many excuses not to. 

Being a mom is undoubtedly the most significant, greatest calling of my life. There is more purpose and passion and challenges and losses and fulfillment and delight than in anything else I could ever hope to do.

But being a mom who stopped growing, who stopped challenging herself, and who stopped taking care of herself was not the kind of mom my children needed.

And so that is why I workout. That is why I encourage and help other women find the time and space and energy to start taking better care of themselves too.

And that is why my children are my reason, not my excuse.