Thursday, August 30, 2018


"You have to know what fulfills you and make it a part of your daily life, or you won’t have the energy to achieve your dreams." Tony Robbins
It's CRAZY how much I agree with this quote. I am not wired to go, go, go. I was not made to hustle the way some were made to do.
I am passionate about my business and my customers and my team, but this business is not my life. I have really big dreams for my team's future, but I'm not willing to sacrifice everything to get there.
I believe you must have moments that are just for you. Moments that fuel you and refresh you. Moments that give you LIFE. Moments where you unplug and do YOU. Moments where you turn your brain off.
Hustling, slaying, crushing it, killing it...that's only sustainable for so long.
For me? It's Jesus, watching Friends on Netflix with my main squeeze, Jane Austen and a hot latte, long walks, afternoon naps, and adventures with my kids.
What fulfills you? What gives you life? Whatever it more of it!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Count the Wins

“Each day offers a chance to grasp what truly matters despite the mistakes of the past.” Rachel Macy Stafford
I have made (and still make) so many mistakes as a mama. Somedays it feels like the failures far outweigh the successes.
But ya’ll, we need to start counting the wins. The small wins. The big wins. Every time we look into their eyes, every time we listen with enthusiasm, every time we crawl on the floor to play, every time we choose grace over harshness, every time we choose slow over hurry, every time we squeeze them tight.
Choose what matters today. Count the wins.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What if you succeed?

This quote from Jennie Allen’s, “Restless”, perfectly sums up the beginning of my story. All I wanted was to be a mom, so when the restlessness started creeping in, I felt confused, disheartened, and most of all, guilty.
Discontentment had no place in my absolutely abundant life. Who did I think I was? I was ALREADY living my dream of motherhood…wasn’t it greedy to want more? I had three (now four) littles at home; I didn’t get to dream anymore…at least not for a very long time.
That’s what I thought. But I was wrong. And so are you.
I finally decided to try something. I took a step, scared to death and sure I would fail, but I figured either it would work or it wouldn’t, and then at least I would know.
“Part of knowing where you need to be is knowing where you never need to be. “ Jennie Allen
This girl ^ is who I am looking for. I am looking for the girl who is looking for more. I am looking for the girl who is afraid to jump, but will do it anyways. I am looking for the girl who knows she has value to offer, but doesn’t know where to start. I am looking for the girl who is messy and imperfect and laughs through it all. I am looking for the girl who is brave enough to try.
Maybe this at-home coaching gig won’t be your thing. At least you’ll know.
But here’s my challenge, if you MUST consider everything that could go wrong and all the reasons you will fail, you must ALSO consider everything that could go right. What if you succeeded?

Friday, August 3, 2018


Four years ago, I built my business in between pumping for newborn twins and bottle feedings and entertaining my two year old and cleaning the bottles and changing the diapers, all while my husband was going through the most difficult transition of his life, retiring from baseball.
I remember thinking, “Am I crazy for starting a business right now? Could there be a worst time? I am struggling to handle what is already on my plate.”
But it was exactly what I needed, what our family needed in this most challenging season.
It fueled me with purpose and intention. I re- discovered what discipline and sacrifice and hard work looked like.
I was challenged in all the best ways. And I became better.
I believe wholeheartedly in margin. But don’t give “timing” too much credit. There’s never a good time to start a business, to learn something new, to take on a new passion project.
Sometimes you just have to go for it because SOMEDAY is nowhere to live.