Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Famous at Home First

“Let’s seek to be famous at home first. We can trust God with the when’s, how’s, and the what’s of our influence outside of our home. But let’s not belittle the influence He has given us inside our homes…We each have callings on our lives that we never have reason to doubt because there are certain assignments God has given to no one else.
No one else can handle your walk with Christ.
No one else can be the wife to your husband.
No one else can be the mother to your children.” @michellelmyers @sheworkshisway
This is the mission. I am proud and grateful for the opportunity I have been given as a Beachbody coach. I love what I do. But I know my greatest impact will be made in my role as a wife and mother. It is my daily prayer that the goals of my business will never overshadow the priority of my family.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

In This Business

What I’m about to say is not what you’re used to hearing from someone who does what I do. But I think it’s important to put it out there.
Not ALL of the coaches on my team stay. 
They take a step back. 
Priorities change. 
They move on to other things. 
But can I tell you the absolute coolest part? So many of the “former” coaches on my team have come back and said, “I never would have taken this NEXT step if it wasn’t for Beachbody. Beachbody gave me the courage and training I needed to move on to where God was ultimately calling me.” 
Not everyone will be a lifer like me. I understand that. And maybe to some, those coaches seem like “failures”. But I don’t see it that way at all. I think sometimes our next step IS our final destination and sometimes it’s just the first step of many next steps that we will need to take to find our true calling. 
But in this business, we aren’t just teaching fitness and sales. We encourage and challenge you to dream bigger, step outside of your comfort zone, pursue personal growth, and put people first. 
So I am proud of what I do. I’m proud of the girls who have stuck with me, I’m proud of the ones who have moved on, and I’m proud of my new girls who take that first, bold step, and say, “I’m ready.”

Monday, September 9, 2019

I Am Not Immune

I am not immune to the comparison game. 
I am not immune to trying to do TOO much. 
I am not immune to wanting to take control. 
So on the days when I take my eyes off of Jesus and start looking around at everyone else, at my list of projects, at all I’m NOT getting done, I remember this verse: 
“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.” Proverbs 4:25-26
In addition, I think this excerpt from Valerie Woerner’s book, “Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday” sums it up: 
“Comparison can sideline us from our own mission when we start feeling responsible to do things God has called other people to do. And the thing is, God doesn’t give out extra credit if we finish our mission and start working on someone else’s. We please God and glorify Him most when we listen intently for His leading and obey Him. Isn’t that refreshing? 
God doesn’t cram things in, so I know His mission for us, if we choose to accept it, will be a breath of fresh air compared to what we might attempt on our own.”