Monday, April 28, 2014

What is a Beachbody Challenge Group?

If you are at all familiar with Beachbody or are friends with a Beachbody coach on Facebook or another social media site, then you have probably heard the term "challenge group" mentioned.  What does it mean??

A challenge group is when a group of people commit to doing a Beachbody at-home workout DVD, drinking Shakeology, and checking in with their coach via a closed Facebook group for a specified period of time.  Most challenge groups last from 3-4 weeks.  In some groups, everyone commits to the same workout program and in others, members can choose any program they would like.  As a coach, I use the Facebook group to post fitness and nutrition tips, recipes, inspirational quotes or pictures, and assignments.  The group should also be used for the members to post any questions they may have throughout the process, encourage one another, and post their progress.  

To be honest, even as a coach, I was skeptical about how effective being a part of a challenge group would be.  I wasn't convinced it would truly serve to keep me on track, consistent, and accountable to my workouts and eating habits.  I was wrong.  I felt very connected to my group and coach.  I wanted to make her proud.  I felt guilty if I wasn't participating in the group, but to participate, I needed to be doing my workouts and eating healthy!  IT WORKED.  

Challenge groups are the answer to the accountability question of at-home workouts.  As a coach, I act as an online personal trainer for a lot less money than you would pay a trainer at the gym.  Thanks to social media, it is VERY easy to connect and stay up to date on everyone and where they are at.  

Challenge groups are for everyone.  All ages and all sizes.  You may be the most disciplined person in the world, but joining a challenge group will make you even MORE disciplined.  Engaging in your challenge groups will get you results.  Your coach can help you reach your fitness goals.  

Friday, April 4, 2014

P90X3 Progression Pictures

I have a love/hate relationship with Tony Horton.  I love P90X3 and I love the uniqueness of the program and I love what it's done for my physique and shape.  But boy do I dislike Tony Horton while I am doing it and I hate how good he is at his job because it makes me hurt everywhere!  I mean, how many different kinds of squats are there?!  

In all seriousness, I have been SO impressed with this program.  I consider myself to have prolific experience in the fitness industry between my track career, internship at the Olympic Training Center, becoming a personal trainer, and training and competing in a figure competition.  I figured I would have done or at least seen most every kind of exercise you can do with your body.  I was wrong.  The variety and uniqueness of each workout and the exercises within those workouts have blown me away.  I have not become bored and my body has not stopped responding to the workouts.  I have become better and stronger, but I can still be physically sore after each day.  Oh and I can't believe I didn't even mention THE BEST PART…each workout is ONLY THIRTY MINUTES!  You can do anything for thirty minutes, right??  

So…here are my results 60 days in to the 90 day program: