Friday, February 27, 2015

Portrait of My Children

I am panicking.  I have not been as diligent about writing this blog, and therefore, I have this dreadful feeling that I am forgetting things.  I am forgetting the way Price first started walking (one hand in the air), I am forgetting the hundreds of silly, witty, sassy words that come out of Sienna's beautiful mouth, and I am forgetting the way it feels when Maddox wraps his arms around me and clings tighter than a 21 pound little boy should be able to. 

So...I am going to write about my children.  I am going to write what I love about them, the funny things they do, and how they interact with each other.  That's what I am going to do today.  And at least for today...I will remember. 

Sienna is smart.  She's so stinkin' smart.  She remembers everything.  As we drove by Ballyhoo's the other day, she told me that Papa didn't like his food there, and that Nonna spilled her food all over "Huckle Brent's shoes."  She hasn't been to Ballyhoo's in over six months.  

Just this morning, we watched a clip from the Sound of Music with Julie Andrews, and she says, "That's Mary Poppins."  Honestly, I don't think I ever realized Julie Andrews played both roles until I was a teenager.  

She is a masterful negotiator and she knows it.  Just last night, I was hell-bent on delivering the consequence I had warned her about when she once again came out of her room after we put her in bed.  But before I could get a word in, she holds up her hands to stop me and says, "I just came to give you a hug.  Just one hug.  Then I will go back to bed and I won't come out again."  How do I punish that?  

Another night, before Matt had gone to our room, he gave her a stern warning about what would happen if she came out of her room again.  Well, needless to say she preys on the weak, because when it was just me in the living room, she came out of her room.  She speaks to me for a minute or two in soft whispers, and then deviously holds up one finger, with a mischievous glint in her eye and says, "I don't tell my Daddy I came out!"  Laughing, she sprinted back to her room.  

She knows what she is feeling and isn't afraid to express it.  After picking her up from school one day, I could tell something was wrong. After asking her several times, she finally glares at me and says, "I didn't have my blankie today."  Syrupy sweet, I respond, "Oh Sienna, I am so sorry.  Did that make you sad?"  Immediately, with fire in her eyes, she yells, "NO!  I NOT SAD, I'M ANGRY!"  Once again, I very kindly and humbly told her how sorry I was that I forgot.  She just as quickly says, "Don't tell me you're sorry!"  

She is sassy as all get-out, but I can honestly say, she matches her sass with sweetness.  Her awareness of how other people are feeling is truly touching.  She is very affectionate with me, Matt, and her brothers.  She nurtures Price and Maddox and treats them like they were her own babies.  She quickly befriends and embraces most everyone she meets.  She is extremely social, loves to go to the Bounce House, church, and Monkey Business.  She prefers spending time with her Papa, Nonna, and Granny than us I think!  She is always up for an adventure and ready to take a risk.  If we are on the boat, she wants to go faster and asks if she can jump off in to the water.  Speaking of jumping, she loves to jump off of things.  She rarely walks, preferring to run everywhere.  Her favorite thing to do with Daddy is play "pillow fight" and she loves to color with her markers and do puzzles.  The girl has a sweet tooth, which has served us well in bribing her to eat her vegetables!  She is a good eater when she wants to be, but it's not much of a priority to her.  I think she views eating as a hassle, as she has more important things to do.  She also loves gifts and is enthusiastic about even the smallest of things.  Gifts are the way to her heart, and she always remembers who got her what!  

Sienna Rose LaPorta is a force to be reckoned with even now, and I can only imagine her presence and character will grow stronger and more infectious as the years go on.  I pray everyday for wisdom in how to "train her up in the way she should go."  She is definitely a world-changer, and I pray she always has a heart for Jesus, never straying to the right or the left.  

Price is the most lovable child I have ever known.  That does not mean I love him more than the others.  It's just a sense of who he is.  He is just a very likable, lovable little boy, and I think he always will be.  Where Sienna and Maddox are very emotional and full of energy, Price is more low key and low energy.  His little body is the perfect toddler boy body.  He has creamy white skin, huge hazel eyes, a big, round, fat head, broad shoulders, and thick legs.  He is also bow-legged and pigeon-toed when he walks, so his butt sticks out, and it's more of a waddle.  I will never tire of watching him walk.  He worships his sister and would follow her anywhere...he does actually follow her everywhere!  He knows Maddox better than anyone...I can see that already.  I brought Maddox in to the room where Price was sleeping, and Maddox immediately begins to look for something.  Maddox had not made a peep, but Price immediately reached down, grabbed his pacifier, and handed it to Maddox, knowing that was EXACTLY what he was looking for.  It was the craziest "twin" thing I've seen so far.  Price gives out kisses freely, but Sienna and Maddox still get the most.  Price LOVES trucks and cars.  Matt was out in the backyard moving some trailers and jet skis around, and Price was at the sliding glass door, watching his every move, fascinated!  Sienna has a toddler jeep they all ride around in, and Sienna and Maddox have to rotate because Price refuses to get out of the jeep.  When we do finally force him out, we have to drag him kicking and screaming (literally).  Speaking of low maintenance and even-keeled as Price is, there are moments when he wants what he wants, and he will throw a tantrum with the best of them!  But my Price-guy is quiet and gentle and just so darn lovable!  He is my tender-warrior.  

Maddox has a LOT of personality.  He wears his heart on his sleeve and is already very all-or-nothing.  When he is happy, he is the most engaging, sweetest, cutest, enthusiastic baby you've ever seen.  But when he is sad or angry, he is the most inconsolable, ornery, little guy you will ever see!  That being said, I think Maddox loves me the most.  He is always the happiest to see me when I come through the door.  He is very possessive, and often becomes upset when I hold Price or Sienna, even if he was totally fine previously.  He screeches at the top of his lungs when he is excited and makes a little "O" with his tiny lips when he is curious about something.  Both boys point at everything that catches their eye or attention.  Maddox also adores Sienna, and follows her everywhere.  He gives kisses, but not as freely as Price, and most of the kisses he does give go to Sienna or Price.  Maddox and Price truly enjoy one another.  They play together more than they want to play with me.  They make each other laugh and always hug and kiss each other.  That being said, neither one is afraid to throw some elbows around when they are after the same toy!  Maddox has a wild head of frizzy curls, and a truly beautiful face.  People still ask us if he is a girl and I credit his delicate features and huge brown eyes to that.  Maddox loves to spin in circles.  Both boys clap and dance to Hillsong's Crazy Noise DVD.  They even know how to push the buttons on the player to make it turn on.  Price begins swaying before the movie has even started.  They love to play outside and always make a run for the door as soon as it opens.  They love to play hide-and-seek, especially Price.  Both have very good appetites, usually eating everything we place in front of them!  Maddox's enthusiasm for life is contagious, and I pray he always carries that adventurous spirit and joy wherever he goes. 

These three babies have planted themselves in my heart and soul, and I am unbelievably blessed and humbled that God could trust ME with THEM.  They teach me so much everyday, but the most important lesson they teach me is how unfathomable is God's love for me.  How unimaginable is His grace.  How abundant are His blessings.  

Monday, February 23, 2015

Insanity Max Review: Week 7

Valentine's Day weekend my main meals consisted of Sun Chips and Girl Scout Cookies...specifically Thin Mints and Tagalongs (if you must know).  Needless to say, I was MOTIVATED to hit it hard this week.  I was ready to not only max out, but give it my all for the other 20-25 minutes!  

I also focused on my nutrition more than I usually do.  I paid more attention to my portions and eating more whole foods and less processed.  Instead of reaching for the pretzels to snack on, I grabbed an apple.  And I definitely didn't miss a Shakeology day!  

The highlights of the week:

I lost the three pounds I gained over the weekend.
I bested my Max Out time in three of the four workouts I did!  
I pushed harder to give 100% even after I maxed out. 

The lowlights of the week:

I only did four of the five workouts, skipping my nemesis workout, Friday Fight Round 2.
In Max Out Strength, I couldn't make it past the 6 minute mark, maxing out at 5:51.

Overall, it was a good week, and I can't wait to FINISH next week!  I am committed to doing all FIVE workouts complete with a victory dance!  

Sunday, February 22, 2015

One Year of Beachbody Income

I've said it before and I will say it again...I started Beachbody with very LOW expectations in every area.  I didn't believe in myself, I didn't believe in the company, and I definitely didn't believe in the network marketing business model.  I could barely drum up the courage to sell a $1 candy bar to people, let alone $130 shakes!  And network marketing?!  Come on...EVERYONE knows that's a scam! :)  

But I was desperate.  I was desperate for personal fulfillment, I was desperate for purpose, and I was desperate to find myself again.  And when you're desperate, you do crazy things...crazy things like join a network marketing company you know nothing about!  

When I started in January 2014, I thought if I could make $500/month, that would be AMAZING.  That's all I hoped for and a lot more than I expected.  

With such low expectations and very little confidence, Beachbody has been everything I needed, more than I hoped, and nothing that I expected.  It has filled me with a passion and drive that I haven't experienced in a long time. has been more financially profitable than I ever thought possible with even MORE potential than I would have ever dared to dream. 

I am by no means claiming that this was quick, easy money.  I put in the work, I made certain sacrifices, and I was willing to get out of my comfort zone in order to grow this business.  However, I worked VERY part time hours from HOME, whenever I wanted.  

So here it is.  Here are the facts and figures*.  Here is what you came here for...the numbers!

In month 13 (January), I actually made $3400 including the residual income I earned from my husband's account, and this month (February), I will make over $4000.  Based on other coaches' experiences and growth, I am on track to earning a six-figure income in 2016.  

I hope you understand that I do not share this in order to pat myself on the back, but to show others the potential in this business.  If someone had shown me what was possible with Beachbody, I am sure I would not have waited so long to take the leap.  I pray this serves as encouragement and inspires hope!  

If you would like to discuss this opportunity further with me, please fill out this application, so I can get to know you better!  

**Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Beachbody Coach Business Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.**

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Review: Week 6

"Just 10 more workouts to go...just 10 more workouts to go..."

This is the mantra I repeated to myself all weekend, as I finished my 6th week of Insanity Max 30.  This week was much like last week- a struggle!  I have never worked so hard for thirty short (yet agonizingly long) minutes in my life.  

And like last week, life happened.  Babies cried, babies were hungry, and babies needed their diapers changed, so I was not always able to focus the way I would have liked to, and give 100% for the entire thirty minutes the way I would have liked to.  

However, what I love about Insanity Max 30, is that I can REST in the fact that even if I am not able to give my absolute best effort every time, I am still burning a LOT of calories, and boosting my metabolism for the day.  

I am ready to attack this upcoming week with a vengeance after a Valentine's Day weekend getaway where I subsisted on Sun Chips, Girl Scount cookies, and pizza.  I need to focus on my workouts and dial in my nutrition.  

"Just 10 more workouts to go...just 10 more workouts to go..."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Strawberry Shakeology Bars

For this week's Shakeology recipe of the week, I wanted to try these bars!  A friend told me she made them, and LOVED them, PLUS, Strawberry Shakeology is one of my favorite flavors.  


4 scoops of Strawberry Shakeology
2 cups of oats
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1 cup of almond milk
1/2 cup natural almond butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Combine Shakeology, oats, cinnamon, cranberries, and mix well.
Add almond milk, almond butter, vanilla extract, and combine well with clean hands.
Press mixture in 8x8 baking pan.
Cover and refrigerate for three hours. 

They turned out very tasty, but admittedly much gooier than I would have hoped for.  So I am going to add more oats next time and I hope that will make them more bar-like because they were delicious to eat!  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What Matter Most

As a mom, I have realized how little control I have over my schedule, my to-do list, nap times, bed times, meal times, and pretty much LIFE in general.  Have you just been tempted to throw your hands up, resolve that you just WON’T get anything done, and call it a day?!  Yeah, me too. 

Have you found yourself pushing your kids aside, saying “just one more minute” for forty-seven minutes straight, shushing your children, and scolding your three year old for nothing more than just being three all in an effort to wash that last dish, send out that important email, or get your workout in? Yeah, me too. 

Are those our only two options?  Goodness, I hope not.  I am terribly far from perfect.  Finding the balance of being somewhat productive while still actively engaging with my children is a constant battle.  But I am getting closer.  And on good days, I can track my day, and figure out what worked. 

We all have AT LEAST fifteen things we COULD do every single day.  We all have endless to-do lists, unfinished projects, cards to write, groceries to shop for, calls to make, and dinners to cook.  But I have learned to look through my list of twenty-five to-do items, accurately prioritize, and narrow my list down to only three to five non-negotiable to-dos. 

These are the things that I HAVE to get done no matter what.  These are the things that if I have to stay up later that night, or put the TV on for the kids, or lock myself in my room for even just ten minutes, these things HAVE to get done. 

How is this helpful?  Knowing ahead of time what I NEED to get done and working from a list, totally frees me up.  I can put my phone away and play with my children without that nagging feeling of “I have to do this.  I have to do that.  What time is it?  I can’t forget about that person.” 

I can play on the floor with my babies and (usually) resist the urge to get out the broom and start sweeping.  I can read books to my little girl without constantly checking the notifications on my phone. 

I can go through my day with peace knowing that the most important things on my list WILL get done and hey, if I have time to do a few more things, great!  If not, no big deal!

Making my list of non-negotiables has forced me to become more organized and therefore more efficient and effective with the time I do have.  But more importantly my list of non-negotiables has allowed me to focus on what matters most. 

And the things that matter most- slobbery kisses, crinkly noses, silly three year old words, impromptu dance parties, acts of sibling affection, and gap-toothed smiles- can’t be categorized on a to-do list.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Top 5 Reasons Not To Be a Beachbody Coach

We all know by now that Beachbody coaching has been more fulfilling and fun and effective than I ever would have thought.  So I came up with a fun (yet accurate) list of my top 5 reasons NOT to be a Beachbody coach! :)  

1. You LOVE working for your boss.

2. You HATE making money while wearing sweatpants.

3. You don’t like people AT ALL.

4. You have NO desire to live a healthy lifestyle.

5. You have NO need for extra income.

If this post has intrigued you in any way, I would love to hear from you, give you more information, and help you decide if this is the right opportunity for you! 

Contact me on facebook:
By email:

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Review: Week 5

The theme of the week was "grace".  Actually "grace" would be a perfect theme for this entire program.  Grace has been my motivator this week.  Grace has been the reason I actually did all five workouts this week.  This is getting confusing, isn't it?  Let me explain.  

I would not have done ONE workout this week, if I thought I had to PUSH myself until I passed out.  I would not have finished any of these workouts if I put too much pressure on myself to be ALL IN for the entire 30 minutes.  There are some days that I went in to my workout saying, "I will push until I max out, but after that, I am only going to do what I can."  My motto for the week was "Something is better than nothing".  Even if I maxed out at 5 minutes (because yes, that happened), and I only modified for the remaining 25 minutes, that had to be OKAY.  And it was.  Because something is better than nothing.  I gave myself grace to just do what I could, when I could.  

That being said, week 1 of month 2 was as difficult and painful as I feared.  These 5 new workouts humbled me, just as I was starting to get a little cocky at the end of month 1, month 2 sat me right back down on my butt.  Literally.  

I lasted the longest on Monday doing Max Out Cardio.  Tuesday's workout of Max Out Power, Thursday's workout of Max Out Strength, and Friday's workout of Friday Fight: Round 2 had me GONE by 6 minutes.  6 minutes?!  Seriously.  In Wednesday's Max Out Sweat, I posted a very average time of 9:19.  Friday Fight Round 2 is by far the hardest workout I've ever done.  Ever.  I can't think of one person physically fit enough to finish that workout without maxing out.  It was one cardio/power element after another.  Unbelievable.  I will absolutely DREAD the next three Fridays until this program is over!  

I can also say with 99% certainty, that at the end of this program, I will be in the best shape of my life since being a Division I, All-American pole-vaulter at the University of Florida.  I have to give it to Shaun T in that I would have never imagined you could work out this hard in your own home with no added equipment.  Impressive or scary?  

Check out my youtube review here!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Shakeology No-Bake Cookies

I present you with the Shakeology recipe of the week!  

Shakeology No-Bake Cookies

I am constantly looking for quick, healthy snacks for my family, and I think I found what will be a constant staple in the LaPorta household.  Sienna loves kids' protein bars, but outside of a few brands, I prefer not to purchase them because of the ingredients and how they are processed!  Only a few hours after making these, I was already enjoying the ease of popping one of these balls in to my mouth, and handing them to the kids' for a quick snack!  
Ingredient List
1 Cup Chocolate Shakeology
1 Cup Quick Oats
1 Cup Natural Peanut Butter
1/3 Cup Honey
Are you ready for this?  Wash your hands, combine the ingredients, mix well, form in to balls, refrigerate on wax paper!  
Let me know how you like them!!