Thursday, May 28, 2020

Be a Beginner

“We have little to no tolerance for allowing ourselves the space and grace to be a beginner.” Marie Forleo (Everything Is Figureoutable)
This is what a beginner might look like wakesurfing.
I tried. I fell. The board caught me in the eye. I bled. I tried again. And again. And again. And by the end of the day, I was surfing on a lake, behind a boat, without a rope. 🤯 
I was struggling to figure out why this felt SO amazing, why it felt like such a high, why I felt so empowered and confident…then it hit me.
Many of us, as adults, stop trying new things. We stop challenging ourselves. We often stop setting goals. We aren’t willing or open to learning something new or doing hard things. We are scared to be put ourselves out there, scared to fail, scared to be vulnerable, scared to be a BEGINNER. (And by the way, I am first in line for all of this. 🙋🏼‍♀️)
But do it. Do all the things. Go be a beginner. At something. At anything. Scare yourself. Maybe even bleed a little. 😜