Thursday, September 27, 2018

He is faithful

“The one who has called you is faithful and He will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24
This was Sienna’s memory verse for the week, but I’m the one who has been reciting it, learning it, praying it, and resting in it all week long.
I don’t know what God has called you to, what He’s asking of you, or how He’s leading you. But I DO believe He is faithful and His word is sure.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Love Yourself

“The highest calling is not being a pastor, but becoming all God called you to be, namely a person who glorifies God in all you do.” Dave Gibbons

When I first started my business, this was something I really struggled with. Was working for a company named BEACHBODY glorifying to God? Did this make me vain? Does God care about working out? 

I landed here: 

God does not care whether you are a size 2 or a size 10. He does not care about how much you weigh. He does not care whether you have a six pack or love handles or stretch marks. 

But He does care that you LOVE YOURSELF well. He does care that you feel CONFIDENT enough to go DO the things He has called you to do. He does care about the foods we choose to fuel our bodies with. He does care that we are becoming all He has called us to be. He does care that you are HEALTHY, so that you can give your BEST to Him and those you are responsible for. 

For me, this business and these products were the gateway to all the things that I know God DOES care about. Taking care of myself, prioritizing my workouts and investing in my health is how God showed me WHO He wanted me to be and what He wanted me to do. 

And that is why I wholeheartedly believe that this business is exactly what God has called me to (even though it doesn’t sound as spiritual as being a missionary or something  ) It’s not about the bikini body or the little black dress. It’s about how the gift of health and confidence empowers you to go DO THE THINGS you were born to do.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Dream Big

"Men suffer more from imagining too little, than too much." P.T. Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Ya'll, we've been watching and listening to The Greatest Showman on REPEAT around this house. And I still can't get enough.
But it's this quote that I remember the most. It's this quote that touched me to my core.
Because not too long ago, I was suffering from imagining too little. I saw my life through a small, narrow lens. I felt like my best years were behind me. I had stopped dreaming big (and even small) and I wasn't setting goals anymore. I had put myself in a box...the mom box, assuming that any other dreams and passions and gifting I had were to be put away for at least the next 18 years.
I'm so so glad I was wrong. And if you're feeling this way, you are too. God is NEVER done with us. We were designed to dream big dreams and create beautiful things.
So let's go do that. ðŸ’™

Thursday, September 6, 2018

He is in charge

Remember that time you thought that everything depended on you? That time you thought your family was going to fall apart because you got sick and couldn’t be there to make sure everyone was on schedule? Or that your business was going to fail because of a missed goal or deadline? Or that feeling that you can’t possibly let one of the balls you’re juggling fall to the ground?
Yeah me too. Pretty much everyday. 
And then I read these words and I am instantly reminded of WHO is in charge around here and I am immediately infused with RELIEF and peace...the burden lifted.
“It was by Him that everything was created: the heavens, the earth, all things within and upon them...Every detail was crafted through His design, by His own hands, and for His purposes. He has always been! It is HIS hand that holds everything together.” Colossians 1:16,17
{Cue HUGE sigh of relief, my friends}
Thank God that my life and the lives of my family does NOT depend on Dara LaPorta. Thank Jesus that it is HIS hands that hold everything together, not mine.
These words give us permission to rest, to pause, to say no to frantic and yes to fulfillment, to surrender, to breathe deeply and slowly, and to grasp the peace and joy that is already ours for the taking.