Tuesday, October 28, 2014

365 Days Later

365 days ago, I was induced at 38 weeks, and gave birth to twin boys.  Price was 6 pounds, 13 ounces, and Maddox was 5 pounds, 7 ounces.  They are one year old today, but Price still outweighs Maddox : ) 

When I found out I was pregnant with twins, I was ecstatic, but I was also scared. I was scared I wouldn't be able to handle it, I was scared of potential health complications for me and the babies, I was scared I wouldn't get any sleep, and in my vanity, I was scared of what a twin pregnancy would do to my body.  Would I get stretch marks?  Would my feet get bigger?  Would my abs split?  Would my tummy stretch to the point of no return?  When would I have time to workout AFTER they were born?  What would my life...my body look like when all was said and done?  

By the grace of God even though I am still overwhelmed most days, God has given me the strength and stamina to do the best I can with my sweet girl and two little boys. I am happier and more confident than ever before. I have a healthier attitude towards food and fitness and my body than ever before.  So what happened?  I learned to be flexible.  I learned to have grace on myself.  I learned that a 25 minute workout interrupted by tiny hands grasping at me, little boys crying, and a little girl who has a million questions...was better than no workout at all.  I learned to keep healthy snacks nearby that I could quickly shove in my mouth.  I learned to rely on Shakeology everyday.  I learned when I needed to take the time to invest in myself even when there were no minutes to spare.  I learned to laugh at my loose skin.  I learned how to relax even when there were more "important" things that needed doing.  I learned what contentment and balance look like in my life now.  (Unfortunately knowing what it looks like and living it out are two different things, but I'm working on it). 

I did not do anything miraculous or extreme. I tried to take each day one at a time (sometimes each hour a minute at a time!), I did my best to make more good decisions than bad, and took the time to invest in MYSELF, knowing that in the long run that investment would result in a better mommy and wife.  365 days later, I am happy.  I am blessed beyond measure.  I have more love in my heart for three little babes than I ever thought possible.  

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