Monday, July 14, 2014

My Why

A few days ago if someone were to ask me why I am writing this fitness blog, I would have listed reasons like:

  •       I am passionate about health and fitness
  •       I want to help people reach their fitness goals
  •       I love working from home
  •       I needed something for ME to do outside of taking care of my family
  •       I missed having a “job”

These reasons are all true and valid.  But I just started reading the book “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek, and he challenged me to dig deeper.  WHY do I feel so passionately about this?  WHY do I love this job so much?  And then it came to me.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  It was nearly instantaneous.

  •  I do this for MOMS. 
  •  I do this for moms with little ones who sometimes feel trapped in their own home. 
  •  I do this for moms who are generously giving their babies perfect breast milk while    potentially sacrificing their own sanity.
  •  I do this for moms who often feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of maintaining a household with toddlers on the run. 
  •  I do this for moms whose daily nutrition usually comes from the half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and stale goldfish crumbs left by sticky hands.
  •  I do this for moms who don’t recognize that tired face and lumpy, weird post-partum body in the mirror.
  •  I do this for moms who feel like they don’t have anything to look forward to except their baby’s often-unpredictable naptime.
  •  I do this for moms who don’t know how to think outside the box anymore.
  •  I do this for moms who remember being fun, but can’t quite recapture that aspect of their personalities. 
  •  I do this for moms who are losing bits and pieces of themselves, but don’t even realize it. 

Does this sound terribly depressing?  I don’t mean for it to.  This story has a happy ending.  But I have been EVERY SINGLE ONE of those “moms” on different occasions and on different days throughout my motherhood journey.  I remember sitting on my couch, a 2 month old little boy in each arm, watching my wildly delightful 2 year old prance around the room, GUILTILY thinking, “Is this what my life looks like for the next 18 years?!” 

Beachbody has forced me to create a time for “Dara”.  Whether it is doing my own workout while dodging six tiny sets of hands and feet or gleefully answering my challengers’ messages, I have re-discovered parts of me that have been buried for years: Passion and selflessness and competitiveness and creativity to name just a few. 

I do not think size has a number and I do not think “fit” is a particular shape.  I do not think that being healthy is the answer to all of your problems.  But I do believe that being healthy starts a ripple effect of confidence and self-discipline that will infiltrate every other area of your life.  I do believe when you are healthier, you are happier.  I also don’t believe that Beachbody products are the ONLY way to reach your fitness goals.  But their products are the medium I have chosen to use because they are effective and simple and straightforward.  Beachbody takes the guesswork out of getting healthy.  Beachbody makes it easy for very normal, ordinary people to experience extraordinary fitness transformations through their products and radical LIFE transformations through the coaching opportunity.

My mission is to help, encourage, and give hope to moms everywhere that they can feel beautiful in their own skin again, that they can create a time that’s just for them no matter how chaotic life is, and that they can rediscover passions and skills and dreams that have long since been forgotten.  I aim to be real and vulnerable and transparent as I share my fitness journey and my life as a mother of three.

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