Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Week 1 Review

Insanity Max 30 is Beachbody's newest at-home fitness program by Shaun T, the creator of Insanity and Focus T25.  The program is 30 minutes/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks.  It is cardio based with a few workouts focused on strength and resistance training, but no equipment is required.  The concept is you go as hard as you can for as long as you can, but as soon as you break form, slow down, or simply can't go on, you have "maxed out".  You record your max out time, take a breather, and jump back in to the workout as soon as you can, finishing the 30 minutes to the best of your abilities.  

I did NOT want to do this program, and I dreaded the start.  I am at my goal weight and size, so truthfully I don't like pushing myself harder than I need to anymore.  But a friend wanted me to do it with her, and I have to admit I was craving a new challenge, so on January 5, I started.

So what do I think?  The LONGEST I lasted without stopping in week 1 was 11:09 doing Sweat Intervals.  The earliest I maxed out was at 8:30 doing Cardio Challenge.  I am a believer in at-home workouts and I definitely push myself whether it's P90X3 or T25, but Insanity Max 30 pushes you and challenges you more than any other program I have ever done.  You are competing against yourself, and it works.  The concept of "maxing out" works.  Admittedly, I am enjoying the program more than I thought I would.  It feels good to know I am pushing myself to the absolute limits.  After week 1, I lost all 5 pounds of holiday weight I had gained, and feel extremely fit.  I have included a progress picture from week 1, and am extremely happy.  I definitely do not want to lose any more weight.  From here on out, my goal is to increase my max out times, and attain peak physical condition.  You can also check out my youtube video Week 1 Review here.

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