Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Focus T-25: Speed 1.0 Review

I started T-25 yesterday and so far SO GOOD!  I completed the cardio workout yesterday, but it was not as quality as I would have liked due to two babies who did not want to nap.  So I will post a review on that workout when I do it again (which I believe is Friday).

So today was Speed 1.0.  As a former track athlete, I was excited to see what this workout would entail and I was not disappointed!  It basically felt like I was doing running/sprint drills for 25 straight minutes with a  tad bit of stretching at selected intervals.  There were a lot of high knees, lateral movement, hopping, criss-crossing, and even some kicking and punching.  And as I mentioned earlier, every few minutes, Shaun T generously incorporated a stretching exercise to give you some time to catch your breath (of course, it really just gave you time to go from desperately gasping for air to heavily panting).  Thanks Shaun T!  What a gem that guy is.  

So I'm cruising along thinking how wonderful those little stretching breaks are when with 9 minutes left in the workout, the breaks are no more!  So for the last 9 minutes, plan on pretty much just jumping for 9 minutes straight.  Enjoy! ; )

Do you know what I love about this workout though?  There was not one ab-specific exercise in the entire 25 minutes, but my abs were screaming at me by the end!  Have you ever seen world-class sprinters' stomachs?  Do you think they get that way because they do 200 sit-ups a day?  No!  They have superhuman abs because they are sprinting!  Just something to keep in mind the next time you decide you need to incorporate more ab work.  Most likely, you need to do less crunches and more running or plyometrics.  

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