Tuesday, April 21, 2015

21 Day Fix Diary: Day 21

My best friend asked how the last few days went of our journey, and my answer was,

“To be honest, I really didn’t think I would even ATTEMPT to finish the entire 21 days, so I am really proud of myself.” 

That’s the truth.  I did not start this program with the intention of finishing.  I figured I would get through one week, so at least I could learn the container system, and have some kind of experience to share with my current and future customers. 

After week 1, I knew I could finish.  The nutrition program was DO-able. 

Were there days I was hungrier than others?  Sure.  Were there days I was frustrated by the fact that I need to make a salad when I really just wanted to grab a handful of pretzels?  Definitely.  Were there moments when I caved to my temptations?  Yes. 

As I have noted several times, I had scheduled cheat meals, and less often than I thought, UNscheduled cheat meals.  But even so, I never dreaded picking back up and returning to my green, purple, red, yellow, blue, and orange containers.  I wasn’t afraid of the next day, knowing I was only going to get two servings of my beloved carbohydrates.  I was determined and dare I say, EXCITED, to get back on track. 

On day 1 I was completely overwhelmed.  In week 2, I recognized some mistakes I had been making and adjusted.  And in week 3, I cruised.  Week 3 was the easiest week of all if you could imagine.  Your body begins to adjust to your new healthy nutrition habits, and your mind does too. 

All in all, I lost 4 pounds, but I feel strong and healthy and in nearly PEAK physical condition.  I feel perfectly comfortable in any outfit I want to wear including swimsuits and that one pair of pants we have that always squeeze just a little tight!

Matt, my husband, also had scheduled and unscheduled cheat meals, he did NOT workout at all, and he lost 9 pounds! 

The potential of this program is truly amazing.  We had great results, and we in no way gave this our 100% effort.  What could someone accomplish if they went all in for 21 days?  No cheats and full-effort workouts for three weeks…how could a body transform? 

I am so grateful, relieved, and excited that I FINALLY decided to do this program.  I can now share tips and recipes and trials and victories with my clients.  I can now fully stand behind and support this program the way it deserves to be supported.  I finish these 21 days invigorated, strong, and eagerly anticipating the lives this program WILL change. 

If you are interested in trying out this program or other programs Beachbody has to offer, fill out this questionnaire, so I can get to know you better and get you started!  


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